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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. TBlizz whining again….so consider the source.
  2. Yup, I explained that to him in a post above.
  3. Yes, exactly. It’s always on the extremes. One way or another. Said it yesterday.
  4. Nope! Nobody would that knows 18z is always a friek. I and Ray said that yesterday. And have been saying it all winter. 18z is pretty much always a joke.
  5. Not exactly 100% accurate…multiple guidance showing potential for next week. But you will be in before next Tuesday if the look continues. I’m sticking to Friday.
  6. Oh I think everyone has any expectations in check. Nobody should be expecting anything except some chances/some potential.
  7. When will Kev flip the switch from Persistence, to All aboard the winter storm threat….I say by Friday. 4,3,2,1….
  8. The persistence crew is trying so hard. I just don’t get it? Nothing says/or nobody is saying any of this is a guarantee. But when folks can’t discuss the positives of multiple pieces of guidance, across multiple suites over days now, that’s when the agenda driven BS becomes crystal clear. qg_Smegma saying nothing is different, when it clearly is. I get the Snakebitten feeling(I’m at 4.3”) so I understand the skepticism, but when you can’t admit this looks different than what we’ve been dealing with, that’s just not true.
  9. Lmao…guess I was feeling a lil jerky…?
  10. That’s some serious high pressure in a nice spot..1044mb, we take.
  11. This potential seems to have a lil more going for it than most anything this winter so far for SNE. I think we all know the caveats/nuances, and being that we’ve had zero go right for us, this can easily fail too. But for some reason this seems to have a lil more room to go a lil more right, than the other shit we’ve had to date.
  12. It’s what we do here..we discuss. Way to add to the discussion by scolding folks for discussing modeling, and potential. You’ve sunk to new depths lol.
  13. He’s a ball of joy that one….he has one setting: Total Negativity!
  14. If this is still there by Friday…the flip will be intense, and the bet will be lost…it’s coming.
  15. Check out til the weekend, then check back Saturday to see if anything is still there. See how easy that is.
  16. I’d like to think so…Would be real nice to get one thing to work out for us.
  17. Well it made it past the 18z fantasy stage this evening…that’s saying something this year…hmmm. That’s a big strong high in a good spot too.
  18. Lol…actually they are currently. It’ll most likely shit the bed as every single one has, but as of the latest model runs, they are. 0z it could very well be gone.
  19. Well it(long range clowns)hasn’t showed much of anything in SNE all winter, and folks were always saying that even the long range clown snow maps shows nothing. Now it’s showing a burial..maybe some folks will be happy now? But again, it’s 18z.
  20. Ya still to far out to take seriously..but it would be nice.
  21. And he wasn’t looking at todays version of the weeklies either…cuz they weren’t out at that point. And what he was saying we already knew from Thursday, and he was making it sound like it was the latest version. So as Will stated, that was my point.
  22. Is this verbatim for Thursday the 23rd?
  23. While that sounds nice…I wouldn’t take any 18z run seriously at this stage. 18z always shows something exotic, or horrid depending on the ones point of view.
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