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Everything posted by EHoffman

  1. This one response is the best justification for heavy snow in DC with this storm that I've seen yet. All hail IBM
  2. What's the general ratio for sleet? Is it 3:1?
  3. Still going at 72 a bit, it's no G/RGEM but the Friday night coastal thump bears watching. Classic euro with the 36 hour storm
  4. 66 throws some snow from the coastal back into the DC metro
  5. If you go into the storm thread and see a user named "Ji" excited about a snow map then it is your time to get excited
  6. There's some really sick rippage in DC for at least a few hours on HRRR
  7. Is Jebwalking in pouring sleet even a thing? Seems miserable to me
  8. I thought the RPM was a model that could be customized and run by many different entities? Am I wrong?
  9. Just got in from a walk and it got REAL chilly towards the end. Winds howling too, walking across Taft Bridge felt like tropical storm force gusts. Had trouble walking.
  10. Literally just having a good time. People here so emotional over their snow.
  11. You're right, the thread is at its best when 10 people comment the same thing about hr 42 of the NAM at the same time.
  12. Can someone post the full watch text please
  13. I think it's a super interesting topic, but it totally makes sense that even modest overall warming trends over the past ~30 years would trigger less frozen events in mediocre setups down around here.
  14. https://twitter.com/JesseJenkins This guy is a good read/follow if you're interested in the ongoing Texas energy crisis amidst the winter storm down there. Sounds like the disaster is way worse than is being led on.
  15. This is straight up banter so last thing I'll say on this, but we were referring to different panels and I even said earlier that the front end thump was way juicer on the 12z.
  16. Really solid run all around, we're like surprisingly close to hanging on in DC
  17. Thursday night NW of DC bump looks real tho
  18. Dramatic QPF cutoff NW of DC at 60 vs 6z.
  19. Euro way juicier than 6z at 54. Ji walloped, most importantly
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