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Posts posted by TSG

  1. 15 minutes ago, Eskimo Joe said:

    TOR possible now on the King George, VA cell.


    5 minutes ago, Kmlwx said:

    The fat lady is warming up for those of us not being impacted by the King George, VA cluster. HRRR continues to suck for this afternoon. 

    I swear the dog-leg turn in the Potomac causes things to spin up down there more than normal. Anyone know if this has ever been looked into?

  2. 9 hours ago, WEATHER53 said:


    That first of June torrid streak 2011 (I think) they did hit in advance but departing highs just aren’t setting up over Bermuda so far.  They are weak also, not 30.30+ that nothing can budge for long time. 

    I'll never forget that week. It was gnarly being outside. I was working at a summer sailing camp on the Potomac and we were gathering kids up and spraying them down (and ourselves) with the boat washing hoses to keep cool. 

  3. The section of the large line to the south that came through downtown Charlottesville was legit. Didn't see any hail but winds were easily gusting to 60+, rain going sideways, stormwater infrastructure quickly overloaded. Looks like CHO didn't get hit as hard based on the 5-min obs.

    Best storm of the year so far.


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  4. 3 hours ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    I would like to see a chart of how many warning events happened at BWI during ninas vs other enso states. I'll bet the other states have more...lol

    If I'm wrong about this...why shouldn't I put a ton of weight on what I've seen since 2016? Too small of a sample size? I mean I've tracked 4 and not 5 Ninas and honestly I haven't seen any difference in how they've behaved! 

    Yes. Your back yard is also not representative of overall patterns. No offense intended... but you can't tell a difference because you aren't looking at the right things. How much snow a little postage stamp of land south of Baltimore has gotten the past few winters is not a useful datapoint.

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  5. @Maestrobjwa I got thinking about this some more and I think it's important to remember we are humans with subconscious bits of our memory that influence how things feel. This year and the past two we've had above normal March temps followed by avg or slightly negative departures in April and May (20/21). In my mind this would tend to "feel" like a cold spring, especially if those warm March avg temps were brought on by a few key warm stretches towards the end of the month and not a general slightly above average regime. To have that then be followed up by weeks and weeks of the same temps would feel "cold" even if it's about average. 

    2018 is also in recent memory which is pretty much the coldest early spring we've had in the past 2 decades. May obviously bucked the trend that year but the memory was made at that point.

    My guess is those two things make the past few years seem out of place. 


  6. 2 hours ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    Niiiiice!! That's pretty awesome! And I'm sure this has been discussed and debated much lately, but...man I still don't remember mid-Arpil/early Mays being as cold as the last 4-5 years! But perhaps it's just recency bias? (Not that I'm complaining...heat and especially humidity can wait however long, lol)


    15 minutes ago, WxUSAF said:

    Going back to 2016, it’s about 50/50 on AN or BN for April and May combined at BWI. There have been some anomalous spring  -NAO periods though in there.

    Slow day at work. Made some graphs. Data is from DCA







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  7. 4 minutes ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    I'm telling ya if we get a 3rd consecutive nina...it might be the longest big snow drought since the 70s. Well, for my yard anyway....Some of you tried to tell me before this winter began that I was jumping the gun...but lo and behold look what happened! Busy NS train of vorts with no space, coastal scraper benefiting CAPE and other beaches...textbook. Exactly the kind of thing I expected going in. Forgive me if I'm not convinced ninas won't behave differently.

    But I suppose it's still better than no snow at all...not many ninas are complete shutouts. It's just...ya still want a little more SOMETIME.

    back away from the edge bud, it's mid-April

  8. 6 hours ago, kgottwald said:

    Well, we usually get extended stretches of nice weather in the fall, except when tropical storms affect the area. October is almost always our sunniest month.

    October is by far my favorite month in the mid-atlantic, especially the first half. Humidity starts drying up but we still regularly get into the 70s mid-day.

    It's a annual glimpse of what summer is like in Northern New England

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