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Posts posted by anotherman

  1. I will. I’m out. It’s not worth it. I’ve been planning on Colorado or Northern New England for a while. I think it’s time. Why have to wait?  Go somewhere where a disaster is only getting 75”!   I’ll still pop in now and then to say how great the weeklies look though!

    I could move to southern Vermont tomorrow, but we stay here in southern PA for now. But I dream about getting casual snow.
  2. 2 minutes ago, kerplunk said:

    lol. Seems that I offended him. No mocking intended. Just how my mind works.

    Speaking of which - you know, @anotherman, I think we resemble each other. Not in facial features per se (although there is a slight resemblance), but there's a certain look/attitude/ that comes across in both our avatars. Don't you agree?

    Getting an awesome squall right now.

    :lol: Yes, absolutely.  I was going for the tortured squirrel look.

  3. I think it is the poor performance in the long range and also the expectations for the winter that have combined to sour people.  I really do think that whatever happens the rest of the winter is unknown.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was a gangbusters end and also wouldn't be surprised to see an early spring.  Extremes are really becoming the norm, IMO.

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