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Everything posted by alex

  1. Snow not letting up (light stuff). Added another inch
  2. I haven’t added anything in a couple of weeks though. I keep the totals on my phone and then upload them occasionally
  3. 3.5” at my casa. Dianes ruler is broken lol. Still an underperformer
  4. Amazing how nicely Bretton Woods skied today considering the last 2 weeks of weather. Snowmaking and great grooming can do wonders
  5. Amazing weather I have a very dumb question. I was playing with the maps in those links and looked at my location. I always assumed that upslope is generated from mountains to my northwest and looking at this map… there’s really nothing to my northwest. Are those little things capable of giving enough lift, or is the lift coming from the wind hitting the mountains just to my south/southeast?
  6. Awesome write up @powderfreak . So interesting to see all the microclimates
  7. Oh interesting, I guess there's more elevation than I thought... that would definitely explain some of the difference. Where do you get that map? Google Maps is not nearly as nice to look at as you squint trying to figure out the elevation lines lol
  8. Hey VT peeps! Question for you. Yesterday, driving back from Stowe (essentially via Rt 15) I noticed that the areas with more snow were not around Mansfield, as I expected, but rather in the Wolcott-Walden stretch. What drives that? Do they have fantastic retention, or do they somehow get more snow than areas around Mansfield at the same elevation? You had to be around 1500ft at the resort or on Edson Hill (decided that's going to be my future home lol) to get any form of snow cover, and in Morrisville there wasn't anything even that far up (we saw some land there quite high up near Elmore Mt), but then the snowcover steadily increase heading East on 15 past Elmore Lake even though the elevation is lower. Any ideas? It was actually a very fascinating drive because the lack of snow meant you could really pick up local variations that normally you might not notice.
  9. Well said JSpin. I used to be so anxious about snow. A few years after moving up here it changed. When you’re in SNE seeing your snowpack wiped out is really, really sad. Up here, you can watch in awe as the temperature goes from single digits to the 50s and your pack gets wiped out, knowing that within a few days it will start building back up. It’s a much easier life for a weenie
  10. I always say how the local differences in my area are interesting, with a few miles making a huge difference but today reminded me of how extreme those differences are around Mansfield. It’s essentially bare ground in the village and all along Mountain Rd then you get to 100 yd before the turn for the Spruce Peak area and boom… its like half a foot. It’s very cool to see.
  11. Drove to Stowe this morning. A pretty gnarly accident just past Littleton NH. Lots of ice in the NEK
  12. 38 here, but still below freezing down the hill in Whitefield. Let it thaw, let it thaw, let it thaw I do like the look of the GFS past next weekend though…
  13. In the meantime, let’s grab some popcorn and enjoy the SNE crew squeal over 1 vs 1.5 inch. That’s like a hiker sneezing on the way up the mountain here. Sorry couldn’t help myself. I was one of them after all till a few years ago.
  14. I’ve never seen more freezing rain in my life than when I lived in Bartlett. It happened for almost every cutter
  15. Pretty pathetic to have such lack of snowcover in NNE in December, but I would take it in a heart beat if we could trade it with a good pattern for the holidays. Interestingly this stuff used to stress me out to no end. Now that I know how long winter really is up here though, it seems ok. Even in a crap pattern we see more snow than most others do on a good year. Only thing that truly sucks is the delayed opening of the glades. But we wait…
  16. 1” overnight. Gonna take a while to get those glades open
  17. Temp took a nosedive. Still 42 but snow mixing in with the rain
  18. Absolutely pouring out there. Still snow cover on the lawn, I wonder if it will make it.
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