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Everything posted by alex

  1. This is how one should do mud season...
  2. A nasty inch of slop here, now a mix of rain/sleet. Crazy wind, power outages.
  3. A white Easter again! This time, barely though. Happy Easter!
  4. Wow wasn’t expecting this. It’s nasty. About 1/2” of sleet snow and ice, the roads are slick and the howling wind just adds to the misery.
  5. By comparison, this is what yesterday looked like here. The last 2 weeks have definitely hurt us - but it would have hurt much more in the heart of ski season. I’m sooooo ready for spring at this point! But I’ve never seen so little snow on the ground at this point since moving here, and the river is far below where it usually is during the spring melt. The Mt Washington auto road also said they are far ahead of where they normally are clearing the road - it’s an easy job this year, relatively speaking! But hey, in spite of everything it was still a great ski season, and that’s the beauty of the combination of upslope, gentle terrain, lack of wind, low skier traffic and a great mountain ops team that knows what they’re doing!
  6. Yes they were originally aiming for the 17th, but Mother Nature decided she preferred golfing to skiing this year
  7. Another great day on the slopes. Notice the crowds lol!
  8. 1.5" overnight but back to moderate snow
  9. 3” overnight with thick dust falling. Huge differences locally, kids school in Whitefield barely has a dusting
  10. Turned into a cold snowy evening. Feels like winter again
  11. Nice. Nothing like that here, maybe an inch or two at 3000’
  12. I meant unexpected because the forecast had a 40% chance of a mix of rain/snow… and given recent trends I just assumed some light rain showers. Nice to see the heavy squalls!
  13. True. I’ve actually been surprised by how much fun it’s been in spite of the weather not cooperating
  14. Got 1/3” of snow overnight. Pathetic March lol. That said, skiing yesterday was a blast.
  15. Had maybe 1/4” or so of sleet, mostly melted by mid morning, mixed with freezing rain (at least that was here).
  16. 32 with a freezing rain/sleet mess here. 2 hour school delay
  17. Seems pretty wild that in mid March even the upslope is rain lol
  18. Inch and a half here. Very sticky stuff
  19. Skiing today was amazing. Nice to be able to do the glades a few more times. And it's snowing again.
  20. Yeah I'm at Canmore, only a couple of inches. It's a world apart from home right now. Coooold though
  21. I wish! Gotta go to Cranmore for my kids ski team race. Much less snow down here
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