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Everything posted by canderson

  1. They do major different things after the low hits Missouri it looks like to me.
  2. I literally laughed out loud and startled my wife.
  3. GFS to me looks like it’s inching closer to the Euro’s latest evolution.
  4. Tom Russell (CBS 21 out of Harrisburg) still says snow turns to mix Sunday night then a little wraparound. Downplaying.
  5. Note to self: hit up the state store Thursday
  6. Yeah, for you I hope it's late Sunday too. If you can get out Saturday and need any help for a motel, DM me.
  7. I'd try to get out Saturday, honestly, to be safe if you can. If a big storm is coming, airlines might not transition the regional jets just to get stuck for a few days without the hub load.
  8. Oh, no, I just meant what features should I be aware of that can make it go haywire. As a Red Sox fan, I'm always looking for what cause negatively impact ...
  9. So what do we need to look for to lose this storm?
  10. What's the difference between a trace and .1"? That I'm sure is a dumb question, but I don't really know exactly. .1" is ... nothing lol.
  11. Don’t think it’ll be pure snow unfortunately - I don’t buy the HRRR at all. CTP’s 9 pm forecast discussion writes off anything of substance due to temps.
  12. The truck out front had some snow on the hood for about 30 minutes. Win?
  13. CTP sees this is a nothingburger - just took out any ice and less than .5” for MDT. They’re looking at the lack of moisture.
  14. CTP not buying HRRR - it’s cut Harrisburg down to less than an inch.
  15. CTP says MDT gets 1-2" of snow/sleet. I'll take closer to 1" - there's just no precip available to do anything worthwhile. A week of great winter opportunities go pretty much bust, unfortuantely. Maybe February will be better ...
  16. The NAM says DC gets like half a foot and MDT might get an inch. So, yeah.
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