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Everything posted by canderson

  1. It’s raining way too hard for ice to build up. This is downright moderate ran.
  2. Yea I agree. The mountain tops too are going to have issues.
  3. Heavy rain in the city. I love 33 and pouring rain. Ugh.
  4. I’m surprised dauphin is in the WWA - but the hills up north might be why.
  5. Tomorrow looks really slippery if you’re N/W of say, State College. I don’t think MDT gets much zr but be careful to the rest of you guys. Freezing rain is scary.
  6. Ice storms are (thankfully) the unicorn of weather forecasts.
  7. Nope, maybe just a reset or something. It was working yesterday late afternoon, who knows.
  8. MDT’s temp sensor has been fixed - now showing 26.
  9. This is more that just flurries. A real nice snow shower in Harrisburg - awesome.
  10. Oh and snow is completely gone here - anything other than a plow truck parking lot pile is toast. :sadface:
  11. Looos like I had just under 2” rain yesterday and overnight.
  12. Extremely heavy rain - and strong winds. Both strongest of the day by far.
  13. Over 1.1” rain already, winds in the 30s now. Beautiful Christmas Eve, this is.
  14. If my house floods, that’s the least of my worries. The capitol will be underwater essentially LOL.
  15. It’s currently at around 3.5’ - quite insane indeed.
  16. Predictions have the Susquehanna in Harrisburg reaching 19’ Saturday - that’s moderate flooding here. Basements impacted mostly.
  17. CTP doesn’t think high winds mix down. Something about mid levels keeping them up tHere which is way above my pay grade.
  18. I wish this area had good car washes. THEY ALL SUCK. The south/west have amazing touchless car washes - ones here use rollers and crap that can scratch your card and leave it streaky.
  19. 12k NAM puts everyone State College on eastward into wind gusts in the mid 60s. That’s with 1.5-2” rain Who needs power Christmas Day?
  20. We need another earthquake before the year ends just to really finish this off.
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