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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. Pretty sure that was a rain vs snow event with surface temps expected to rise into the mid and upper 30s and instead we stayed around freezing and never flipped. This storm seems more complicated with mid-level warming being a bigger issue
  2. So many components had to come together perfectly. And one fly in the ointment can screw everything up. In this case we have several flies
  3. It's going to come down to whether the nam and its warm layer is correct and we see alot of mixing esp for central and even northern nj
  4. Some of my faves are the heavy wet storms with big flakes that pile up quickly and stick to everything 2-10-10 I believe had blizzard warnings up but we got no wind and it was 32 to 33 the whole time. I got 14" in about 8 hours
  5. Of course in December when we dont have to worry about sun angle we get a storm that lasts from sunset to sunrise
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