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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Yeah not seeing the training so far either. It's early.
  2. Beautiful night. Although it has that back to school feel with the crickets chirping. Should strike terror in the youngsters.
  3. Yeah nothing screams summer more than 60s and rain. Those dew boys have more than a few screws loose.
  4. Perfect day for a Allman Brothers tribute band. You're my blue sky, you're my sunny day.... .
  5. No sign of the Dew Boys. Must be holed up someplace.
  6. Hasn't filtered down here thankfully. Clear as a bell.
  7. What a day and evening! Scrolling through the threads and seeing pictures of smiling faces, cookouts, hiking and swimming , mountains and wildflowers. Nary a word from the fellowship of the miserable. Must be killing 'em...
  8. Looks like a short dew up on Tuesday followed by more coc. Drying out on Wednesday with weak surface high pressure and mid- level ridging. Winds aloft are northwest, bringing a refreshing airmass to the region, including lower dewpoints. 850mb temperatures are +12C and +14C while highs are generally 79F to 83F, dewpoints fall to the upper-50s to low-60s. Northwest flow does mix down to the surface 10 to 15 MPH with gusts to 25 MPH.
  9. Everyone has their quirks. You have milfs, dit has dilfs and T-blizz has drought. It's what makes the world go round.
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