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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Stoking up the Ginx train firebox.
  2. Not you unless you're the owner of the van.
  3. Torch delayed? Again...
  4. What did you end up with?
  5. Couple 70+ gusts most likely mixed in.
  6. No need expending the effort. You'll get it.
  7. Good thing you installed .
  8. Worst back to back years ever. And ever goes back a long way.
  9. Yeah but we're in the midst of a torch don't you know.
  10. Unlikely. Probably lots of rain.
  11. I will ask again, when's the torch?
  12. 42° and rain. Now there's a surprise.
  13. 1.32" could have been worse.
  14. Maybe. I haven't cut a live tree in years. Still working on Gypsy moth damage. Good growth in the wood yard over the past couple months. Courtesy of the suck winter. Picture taken Sunday. Almost all is new.
  15. Tree cutting is fun! Although today was a little trying. Got one stuck so I did a little bowling. Stayed stuck. Hopefully the winds tomorrow take it down.
  16. Cool yes. Wet noooooo!
  17. Same. Not complaining mind you.
  18. How has Rhode Island not floated away. They always seem to get the jack with rain.
  19. You must be one of the hot spots in New England. Managed to break 50° for the first time in days. Not the '70s and '80s I was promised but I'll take it.
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