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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Do others in your striding club also like humidity ? It might have something to do with the Lycra pants .
  2. I’d bet I spend more time outside than most folks on this forum, if not spending the most time outside. First part most definitely, second part? no
  3. AWT Going as planned. What happened to never ending oppressive dew points? Lolz..
  4. Why even have a weather station if it's so wildly inaccurate?
  5. Sorry if the has already been posted. Lightning strike in Southie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWUvDcqLNSo
  6. Raise your hand if you'd rather have yesterday's weather. One lonely bald man in the corner with his hand up...
  7. 2.22 inches today on top of 5inches for June. Drought my ass... https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KMASHERB3?cm_ven=localwx_pwsdash
  8. "It's been 303 days since our last 90 deg. day in Boston (Logan Airport Sept. 6th ((97))! Almost exactly 10 months to the day. Just wow. " " Better late than never?? Boston-Logan finally reaches 90 degrees for the first time this year (normal first date is May 31st)!! " Glad I installed in April..lol:)
  9. What would be your definition of a COC day for July 5th?
  10. Absolutely perfect ! can't beat summer warmth and dry air.
  11. Temp dropped more than I expected, ended up reaching for a blanket. Perfect summery weather on tap!
  12. Phones and even cameras eff up sunset shots. They bump up the gamma to ridiculous levels so it looks nothing like what you're seeing. Irfanview is free and has gamma correction.
  13. That's weird? His information is usually so accurate.
  14. What happened to all the Heat some on here were talking about?
  15. Awt. Endless torch on the horizon.
  16. Awt light sprinkles. All this talk about soaking rain lol..
  17. Finally! As we thought cold cold Spring .
  18. Yup, worries me for later in the week.
  19. Jackson Hole in late summer is hard to beat .
  20. As N. sipedon ages, the color darkens, and the pattern becomes obscure. Some individuals will become almost completely black. The belly also varies in color. It can be white, yellow, or gray. Must be an old one I've never seen one that dark .
  21. Yeah but the lake was cool, clean and relatively bug-free for an after hike swim. If only we had oppressive dew points!
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