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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Raining in Sherborn 64°. Was hoping it would hold off until later.
  2. Don't even know how you're still posting. The heat looks brutal down there!
  3. She's fine just trying to hide. Mama came and got her.
  4. 85° here. Woodland creatures looking for cool spots.
  5. "Unsettled through this weekend with hit or miss showers and thunderstorms. Turning more seasonable early next week with a better opportunity for widespread rains"
  6. 61° here, feels great, no AC needed. Tonight might be a different story.
  7. "Turning more seasonable temperature wise this weekend. Lot of uncertainty at this point on how things evolve, but it could be unsettled. No washouts anticipated" Fingers crossed.
  8. "Forecast looks to be on the quiet side for Saturday with a dry/seasonable air mass supporting normal conditions across southern New England for late May. Sunday may become more unsettled as model guidance is hinting at high pressure offshore supporting an easterly wind over the region. This could come with cooler temperatures,clouds, and possibly light rain/drizzle. Details are vague at the 7day time range, so stay tuned for more details later this week." Hopefully it's just the east. &&
  9. Sissy. Actually feels kind of chilly here with these low low dew points. Hard to work up a sweat.
  10. Everybody's loving the low dews! Looks to be that way all summer.
  11. After all this rain we should now be considered part of the Pacific Northwest. I said it couldn't get any greener... I was wrong.
  12. Can't beat this . Nice warm temperatures and low low humidity . What's not to like? Chamber of commerce week incoming... " Very warm temperatures are expected on Tuesday and Wednesday, with temperatures reaching into the 80s, with an outside chance a few locations see 90 degrees on Wednesday. Humidity levels will be on the low side accompanying that midweek warmth, hence, a somewhat dry heat.
  13. Crack a beer and turn on the Dendrite and Ditty playoffs.
  14. Maybe a heat wave In the typical hot spots this week?
  15. CoC incoming. Very warm temperatures are expected on Tuesday and Wednesday, with temperatures reaching into the 80s, with an outside chance a few locations see 90 degrees on Wednesday. Humidity levels will be on the low side accompanying that midweek warmth
  16. presence of moderate to heavy showers along the I-95 corridor that seemed to be driven by a SW to NE oriented 925mb jet (~30kt in strength) and moisture convergence between 925mb-850mb. Even the NAMNest, that was one of the only pieces of guidance that diagnosed more widespread, impactful rain on Saturday, struggled to depict the nocturnal rain
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