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Everything posted by stemwinder

  1. Well, something roared through here just now. Not surprised at the tornado news. Sandy is what came to mind with the winds. At any rate, still have power.
  2. Noah must have been drunk to let them on his ark. He was known to get a bit tipsy on occasion.
  3. Hate to follow that post with this one: Brown Marmorated Stinkbugs were everywhere around here today. Am wondering what tomorrow will be like.
  4. Brown Marmorated Stinkbugs were everywhere around here today. Am wondering what tomorrow will be like.
  5. This is one wave I'm happy to see passing through. Looking forward to a little rest from humidity. Looks as though that returns next week.
  6. Not much more than spectacular clouds here. And a noticeable drop in temp/dp. More coming, but likely passing to my south.
  7. I'm no expert, but the front looks a lot weaker than the "bow waves" this time. Will appreciate a cooler day or two.
  8. 'Tain't over till it's over. Still rainy and thundery here near Princeton. We're on the back end now, but lightning can still strike. And August is still less than 1 week old.
  9. All the way from Wilmington. This has been the stormiest Summer since I move back from the West Coast in 2004. Sorry my DSL sucks during TStorms.
  10. Looks as though the main event energy has jumped to central NJ. Quite a day. Edit: Need to include Philly area too, of course.
  11. I grew up in Jersey City, near Bayonne. Close strikes were always there as a rule. Must be the iron in the rocks.
  12. Lots of action starting up in central NJ. Will be an active afternoon for sure.
  13. Boom - Already did. With a bang, here in central NJ. Popup looks to be moving NE into Plainsboro. An active day in store, for sure.
  14. summer cicadas have been singing in chorus every morning these days. Don't need a lot of heat to get them singing. Won't mind a cool spell one bit if it comes. It's August.
  15. Long ago, at first, I hated their sound. Now, when it's cool enough to open the windows to a summer's night, their sound has mellowed for me. I lived in the SF Bay area for 31 years, and missed the sounds of Summer insects. Katydids are weird looking insects, not often seen. This pic is not mine, but I've seen this critter at least once.
  16. A little 'surprise" pop up Tshower over the Princeton/WWindsor area.
  17. almost like the Jersey City of my childhood. - without the smells. Edit: BTW - hate the sound of generators when the power is out. Suerte -
  18. Enjoy the sounds of deep summer nights.
  19. Enjoy the sounds of deep summer nights.
  20. Heard katydids last night too. Deep summer is right. Strange is certainly right. Yesterday was the closest it's been to being in a wet, tropical hothouse. Everything dripping and warm.
  21. Apparently the ones around here like to sing in the mornings and evenings. Where I grew up in Jersey City, the species there sang in the heat of the day. I have not heard these cicadas yet this year, but on other occasions, there are choruses of them singing, here near the Delaware and Raritan Canal. These are the loud cicadas (every thing is loud in Jersey City!) which I associate with July Summer days. Also, the loud kind likes to sing out in the open, which I imagine presents an easy meal option for the birds. The morning and evening ones tend to sing from places that are hard to see, in the trees. Need to get a "bug book" to get more info.
  22. I've heard just one or two summer cicadas recently, but only at sunset. Is it too brutal for them in the daytime? Will be happy when this godawful steam bath has abated.
  23. It's been a juicy one for sure. Well over an inch. Lightning only occasional, but of the short stroke variety, like artillery shells. Still raining hard.
  24. The lightning bugs are doing great around here. Was tempted to try a time photo of them flashing over a minute or so, but am too lazy. We'll have real lightning this evening, as things develop.
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