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Everything posted by BBasile

  1. I had to turn my lights on. Haven't seen it that dark at noon in a long time.
  2. The rain with this storm is intense. Currently have a 7 in/hr rate.
  3. Had a random and unexpected downpour this morning. Was a little late to work. lol
  4. Smoke is pretty bad out there now. Can see the haze just across the street and can smell it pretty good. Visibility looks to be about 2 miles.
  5. 12 miles from Center City and no buildings are visible from 400' AGL.
  6. Yeah, that smoke is crazy. Had a very red sun this morning. Expecting it tomorrow as well.
  7. Was smoky as hell this morning from the Burlington County fire. The winds changed and cleared it out. Currently 71.4F with a dew of 64.
  8. Had a good looking storm miss me just to the north over Camden County. There's even a nice little hail shaft in the middle there.
  9. Picked up another 2.26" yesterday. Puts April's monthly total at 7.16".
  10. Up to 0.34" on the day. Have a break in the rain now. Waiting for the, hopefully, stormier stuff later. 56.7F
  11. Picked up 1.17" of rain today for a 2 day total of 2.94". 4.89" on the month. Currently misty and 57F.
  12. Steady, moderate rain. Temp dropping significantly. 66.6F (great temp )....Hit a high of 84.4 today. Seemed much warmer than that.
  13. Currently 68F @ 4 AM. But just 14 miles away at KPHL, it's only 58.
  14. 8 tornadoes with half of them being EF-2 or stronger? With a sprinkle of 100 MPH straight-lines? Yeah, we've got some kind of alley going on here.
  15. Great video. Backlit tornado with a full rainbow. Jackpot.
  16. Panorama from 150 feet above the ground, facing NW towards Philadelphia. Was a great looking storm for sure. Odd to see such a well developed shelf with a bunch of brown, leafless trees.
  17. I think we have a new mini Tornado Alley. All these years in a row, now, can't be a coincidence. Not bad for April 1st.
  18. This is weaker than I expected, but there's a bunch of cloud to cloud crawlers that looks pretty damn cool. I saw some great looking storm structure from the drone.
  19. I heard this same thing. I actually said it out loud. Went and checked the radar to make sure there wasn't a tornado coming right at me. Strange for sure.
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