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Everything posted by BBasile

  1. Today"s highs: Temp - 92.8F, Dew - 81F, Heat Index - 112 Currently: 91.6F, 79 DP, HI of 108
  2. 1.08 inches of rain on the day. Brings the monthly total to 7.36 inches.
  3. This storm is wild. Torrential rain and so many close strikes.
  4. Had a bit of rain come through and cool things off. Problem is the dew point hasn't budged. So 89% RH at 83 degrees. Wild.
  5. Disgusting. Relative humidity will only drop as the day warms.
  6. Currently 83 with a dew of 79. HI of 94.
  7. Temp down to 73. Dew down to 71. 0.09" of rain. Storm looked mean as hell before it hit like a feather.
  8. Decent looking shelf on the outflow. Probably had close to a 40 MPH gust (station only measured 25 about a mile away.) Very little lightning. Dropped the temp and dew significantly, so there's that.
  9. Pretty much. A few cirrus, but that was about it.
  10. Any is too much if it's not going to help cool things off. lol
  11. Here's my highs for the day. 80F dew! 110 index!
  12. Yeah, it's ugly out. Not even 7 AM and already an 81F heat index.
  13. Saw them last year while jet skiing down at Corsons Inlet. We were jumping waves and you'd see them swimming beneath you. Thousands of them. They were big Cownose rays. Very cool.
  14. Only got a measly 0.96 inches so far today. Brings the monthly total to 5.82 inches.
  15. Yeah, the ocean is very warm almost everywhere. Tropical systems shouldn't have too much trouble with strength, at least as far as the ocean is concerned.
  16. It's been one wet start to July. Dew point on Friday peaked at 79.4F and I'm up to 4.7 inches of rain in a week. Only one day without measurable rainfall. Actually only had two days reach 90F, though. It's currently 83.9, 73.
  17. Here's the non cell phone photo of the tornado warned storm in GloCo this afternoon. There was a wall cloud with this storm, but the rotation was weakening as I arrived. Was still an ominous looking storm with a low base and lots of scud.
  18. Wow. That car flipped like it was a toy!
  19. Chased the tornado warned storm in GloCo. There was some nice rotation when I arrived, but it mostly lost it a couple minutes after. I'm still on the storm and it's still good looking.
  20. Good for you. Lots of lightning, too, it looks like.
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