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  2. Last May didn’t feel like it was that sunny due to the record amount of wildfire smoke. It peaked in early June. I will take this kind of pattern any day over that really poor air quality.
  3. I usually wait as long as I can to install. It’ll be another few weeks for me if we’re not tickling 90 consistently.
  4. Installed the kids room due to allergies. Still a little early overall.
  5. Meanwhile sun's out in tewksbury, mild and a bit dewey
  6. Followed by two absolute disasters. Revenge of the Nerds may be THE example (maybe second only to Caddyshack) as to why you don't even try to improve upon perfection.
  7. Yeah I've installed around May 1st in years past so it's a bit late this year, but not by much
  8. Installing Sunday and that's probably the latest I've done it..
  9. T-Storm watch for Central Texas. Moderate hail/2 inch hail. Except Houston traffic, I should be done with a doctor appt. NW Houston (249/FM 1960 area) by 4 pm and HRRR suggests semi-discrete cells with STP AOA 4 and some impressive updraft helicities just a couple of counties NW of Houston. But I'm not driving US 290 anywhere near rush hour, and, having never chased before, and having to check my cell for radar while driving alone I'd have a decent chance of either destroying my car via hail or rear-ending someone, destroying my car, someone else's car, and possibly seriously injuring myself. So I'll come home and internet and check YouTube on the TV to see if anybody is chasing. I don't think I have ever seen anyone chasing near here. There is a 'Pastor Jaime G' ( @ StormChaserHTX) who gets high wind/heavy rain/lightning shots he shares with local broadcast media via social media. Maybe some Aggie met students, it may not be that far from CLL.
  10. warm run of the GFS so far .. verbatim looks like 70s/80s for at least a week starting on Monday
  11. Nope not true at all. 27 NWS COOP stations included AWOS etc.
  12. You don't even have to go that far for a nicer spring. There's so many days where it's dreary 50s here, meanwhile it's 75 - 85 Philly to DC. The proximity makes it feel worse. That doesn't help with the summers though, no escape that on the east coast.
  13. My allergies are horrendous right now .
  14. Missed all the big storms but ended up with .60" of a good soaking rain afterwards.
  15. Today
  16. That a good chart. So last year was a top 3 sunny May in the last nearly 50 years.
  17. I am not so sure on the AI aspect. Do I think AI has value and will provide great value moving forward? I believe this, however, I think AI is leading to more harm than good in the forecasting business right now and I think that ultimately, AI is going to be the downfall society. Everyone is so fixated in wanting computer and robots to basically operate our lives that eventually nobody is going to know how to do anything - there will be no such thing as having fundamental skills anymore. With this google AI modeling crap, the article that was floating around on that, it essentially stated the model had zero clue how it was deriving it's output. Too make it simple, it knows 10 x 10 = 100, but it doesn't know why that is. The only great part of that model (IMO) was the fact that it processed data substantially faster, however, it did not use physics or calculus (if I understood correctly). The premise of AI from my gathering anyways is it just finds patterns and understands patterns and goes from there. But at least with weather, pattern recognition is only a very small piece of the puzzle - too small to make definitive calculations and "forecasts" just because some robotic, computer mind, ciphered through 500,000 different patterns and "recognized" one as a match.
  18. Great great movie Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
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