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Posts posted by TSSN+

  1. 11 minutes ago, cbmclean said:

    In the defense of all those obsessed with op run digital blue, I can remember a time or two in recent years when the Ensembles were touting a good look which either never materialized or else did so in a much degraded fashion.  One of the first indications of the upcoming disappointment was the stubborn refusal of the ops to show any consistent blues; instead showing cutter after cutter after cutter.  

    Cut my low into Chicago, this is my last resort! 

    Suffering, no snow, can’t buy a flake if I get my Nino steaming. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, SnowenOutThere said:

    Lots of talk about the 27-29th, if we manage to get a good storm track cold air will most likely be a pretty large issue (excluding the transient high idea which is timing we just won't know till later) because good, deep cold isn't really anywhere near us. A pretty good representation of the issue is with the snow depth map of North America, for those wondering, yes ... its worse than 2015. That said, even if it doesn't snow on us that storm would probably help lay down some good snowcover to our north, setting us up for later as the pattern becomes more favorable. 


    Again, we don’t need deep cold. Just need cold enough. 

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