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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Yup.... and guess who this will negatively impact the most if kids can’t go back in person? Minorities and lower income families. Most working class families can’t afford to hire someone to watch their child 5 days a week for 6+ hours that school would normally take care of.
  2. I guess it depends, because there are certainly teachers mailing it in on the remote learning who are doing significantly less than normal. Not sure where I saw it, but I saw the teachers union had to warn teachers not to lie about their health issues on a return to work survey just because they didn’t want to go back to in person learning. This was in a south shore town, Newton maybe? I guess if you are committed to the kids and true professional, it probably is harder. Guess I’m just a pessimist.
  3. .... I’m the only house on my street without irrigation and you really can’t tell the difference anymore. Folks running their sprinkler systems for 20 minutes a zone aren’t getting much accomplished currently.
  4. I’m kind of getting sick of the whining from people who don’t want to go back to work. Nothing is risk free. I’ve been back to work full time for over 2 months. I have to fill out a self checker form daily before going in, wear a mask, etc etc. it’s less than ideal, but it’s life. I know a ton of teachers, many of whom are saying nobody cares about their safety and they shouldn’t be going back etc etc. My response is, why are you any different than anyone else? There is going to be a ton of new protocols in place, just like everywhere else. People have been working everyday through this
  5. I planted upright phlox like a month ago and they are fried to a crisp... I’m sure they’ll come back next year, but yikes.
  6. Lol.... god bless whoever typed up that sign. ”knee deep” just tell people they can’t go in the water.
  7. That’s what I think anyway. I hate how that information is basically a side bar.... if it’s a mistake or data dump, that should very clearly be stated.
  8. Sounds like the uptick May be due to a reporting error.
  9. Looks like a slight rise in cases in mass over the last couple days. Hopefully we don’t see a knee jerk reaction and roll back of reopening. Probably going to be small fluctuations from here on out.
  10. Lawn is toast here.... everything is also kind of droopy.,.. dry. Golf course today looked like they were pumping water from another pond to their main irrigation pond today. Been dry.
  11. Played west Bridgewater country club again today. 45 front nine and 46 back for a 91. Take out the first and second hole 7 and 6 and could have been sub 90. Whoever said in this thread that the first hole blows, they are right. Tiny fairway rolling right out of your car.
  12. My October glory maple and Japanese maple came in today. I took them out of the box and put them in the shade and watered them. Should I leave them in the shade and water them for a few days before I plant them? Also, should I leave the October glory staked the way it was shipped? And the Japanese maple is basically a long twig, do I need to stake that as well?
  13. 0.08” of meh rain here. Not going to cut it... just enough to keep it insanely humid
  14. The food prices don’t look bad at all. Drink prices are a little high, but that’s not different than anywhere else. I mean 6 bucks for a spiked Arnold Palmer is crazy. I buy a case of 12 for like 15 bucks. (Those are dangerous by the way, lol) they go down smooth
  15. That doesn’t sound bad at all, and they own that whole section of beach? To me, having bathrooms, parking, and a not crowded beach is worth 50 bucks. What is it to get into RI beaches now anyway, 30? How were the waves?
  16. Sounds nice, might give it a try. Do they have beach spots sectioned off so you get a specific area?
  17. This might sound ridiculous, but does anyone here use central air and window units? Im beginning to think our unit is too small for our house, it’s throwing cool air, but runs a lot. The return vent is also in my parents in law downstairs so it’s constantly running and it’s pretty aggravating. Im wondering if I turn the temp up and then cool bedroom with window unit?
  18. Yeah he announced live on air that his wife is leaving him. He sounded like a mess. He denied being drunk but he sure sounded like something was up.
  19. Anyone catch fred touchers meltdown on 98.5 this morning? Yikes
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