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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. There most certainly is. The thing about these storms as opposed to the real big dogs is you can’t afford to get caught in between bands for hours on end in an event that’s essentially 12 hours long. In a storm like the Feb 2013 blizzard... you can make it up over the course of the storm.
  2. I buy Harvey’s map.... the one above seems like an unrealistic gradient...I know it’ll be tight but... not that tight
  3. That NAM run is probably the best run for the 3 SNE states by any model thus far. Just about everyone sees a foot or more.
  4. Has light snow lingering into the evening for us.... that was a hellacious run... 15-20”
  5. The NAM had nowhere to go but south... so this shouldn’t be a shock
  6. Not far from me. I bought my house last year in a new development basically behind the dog track... off prospect hill st
  7. It’s fine.... still drops a foot down here if not a bit more
  8. RGEM is very nice for just about everyone in SNE.... widespread 12+ from the canal through Connecticut
  9. Subtle trend so far has been to Peter snow totals out as you head east... still a good amount
  10. Meh... still good.... Euro is even more here... wel see what happens... I like 6+
  11. That’s a great look for this area, nothing to complain about. 12-18
  12. NAM is going to slay for SNE... probably better than prior runs because no dryslot issues
  13. It’s been a while here... don’t think we were warned here last December.... March 19 I think was the last one here.
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