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Posts posted by bristolri_wx

  1. 2 hours ago, WxWatcher007 said:

    I know we say it here every year, but the general public has no idea how fortunate we’ve been in recent years. Rapidly weakening tropical storms and brushes are nowhere near the power of an actual direct strike from a legit cane. Bob is probably the best example of what one of those could do. 

    Because it’s harder for that flush hit here, I think it makes it all the the more damaging whenever it does happen.

    Right. The devil’s in the details and the thing is, we probably won’t have a good handle on the forecast until it’s literally on our doorstep. I went back to look at NHC forecasts from 48-72 hours out for a number of recent systems and it’s incredible how even excellent forecasts display significant uncertainty.

    Bob’s eye went right over my house. We went outside for a few before the other side of the eye wall game through. I was 13 at the time - left the town a huge mess, many trees down in Bristol. My grandmother said it was the worst since Carol. We’ve been pretty lucky since then.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Hammer going Hammertime on dews. Long duration stretch starts Tuesday as Coc ks go into hibernation till mid Oct


    October? It doesn’t even last until Friday. Not sure there’s anything to prevent the see-saw type pattern to continue.


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  3. 11 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Because when you don’t have it in June .. it’s going to come later and longer longer and stronger . You guys that like Coc k .. you’re robbing Peter to pay Paul. That’s how weather works 

    This is silly. While there may be seasonal adjustments in patterns and pattern shifts, there's no guarantee Peter ever needs to be robbed to pay Paul.  It's why chaos theory is part of the forecasting paradigm...

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  4. The Euro wasn't exactly head-of-the-class in predicting the pattern we are currently in, in the long term a few months back.  No doubt this pattern will break at some point, but also not a given that the Euro is sniffing out correctly.

    Will gladly continue to take the 80's temps and 50's/60's dew points as much as possible.  Can't believe there are people that do not like this weather.  I at least understand the whole not liking cold and snow thing - that's an acquired taste, and that type of weather can also be annoying.  But this is as pleasant as it gets for humans to live in...

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  5. 2 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    I just walked the dog and found an unopened Instant Pot Duo Crisp air fryer in the neighbors free pile.  She said it was about $200 but they just never felt like dealing with learning how to use it.

    I have no idea how to use it either but I’ll at least read the directions and give it a whirl.


    Air fryers are glorified convection ovens. There’s ton of recipes and directions online. Many “Instant Pots” are also pressure cookers in most cases. I don’t think they are difficult to figure out, though you may need to do a quick read of the manual to figure out how to switch between different modes. Enjoy the free appliance!

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  6. 4 hours ago, DavisStraight said:

    I like a cool day on the 4th, hate to be outside with sweat running down my asscrack.

    I’ll totally take 70’s on the fourth. There’s nothing worse than roasting in the sun for two hours at the Bristol parade. Not as much shade as there used to be do to trees dying…

  7. 6 hours ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    Single species green grass is horrible for the ecology.  The healthy balance of the latter requires a bio-diversity in every direction, that which cannot be footed by grass, alone.  If there are gardens? They do much better if they are adjacent to this competition, which brings in pollinating insects - that's just one example in how the ecology requires diversity.  ...Duh.   But, in particular ...when neighborhoods are developed with bifurcating asphalt streets/divisions, where the abutting lands create a patchwork of exclusive, excessively maintained grass/lawn care .. you are thus contributing to an unhealthy natural setting and ecology.  This is making the 1980s "Stepford" lawn look increasingly outmoded.  

    There is a reason why in progressive 'state of the art' regions, where awareness of this has led to cultivating low elevation pollinator flowering species, and is becoming practice.  And it's not just "weed" - it's choosing Japanese Iris, and alpine Delphinium sub-genres to grow with the grass, and allowing White Clover to integrate, along with grass.  That is a vastly, vastly healthier lawn ( as just an example). And by virtue of stunning flower displays, there's no aesthetic contest.

    Those that don't know about this/that it is happening ... probably live in a cultural mindset that is older, but are unfortunately on the wrong ( and getting wronger ) side of history.


    I know there is a lawn thread, but since it’s being discussed here, I’ve been gradually reseeding my lawn with a mix of mini clover and drought resistant grass seed made of mostly tall fescue and perennial rye grass and been pleased. For reference:



    I work two jobs and don’t have time or money to water or fertilize on a schedule, so mowing and trimming is the most amount of effort I can put in. Other than the few weeks where the clover is flowering the lawn looks decent even in the warmer months. I cut on the higher side in July and August and it helps prevent the crab grass and other weeds from establishing themselves. YMMV…




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