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Posts posted by Torchageddon

  1. Now yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the hottest temp I've experienced at home at 37ºC with an extreme humidex to match, a very great day. The ridge was immense and historic, over 600 dm in a spot or two.

    Weds wasn't that warm but at least it was sunny for the entire day for once, felt nice.

  2. I just got some showers late this morning from pop up weak storms which worked or screwed over my atmosphere. Just very cloudy here still while twisters rip through the usual tornado-prone areas of SON:


    People on twitter rightfully dunking on EC for NOT WARNING a tornado in progress, there is a report that the warning came out 2 minutes after reports of damage :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

    • Like 1
  3. We have a rare pair of tornadic, long-track supercells underway in the Barrie Corridor of ON that have produced damage in the southern suburbs of Barrie (its always Barrie):


    I haven't seen hook echos like that in Ontario probably since I've been following weather!! :o Two of them! Also the first debris ball I've seen on radar here :blink:. And I love this, someone caught TWN with their pants down with another tech difficulty as the met's mic was active unknowingly and she muttered "holy shit" and "holy f***" multiple times!! :lmao::lmao: :


    Didn't they get enough practice from June 26 when we had the Amberley and Chatsworth tornadoes?

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  4. Another putrid downgrade to the forum appearance and UI, a week after dealing with the raydar.ca shutdown too. Who the hell designs this shit? The most amazing part is that thread meta-data panel on the right (that you can't get rid of) that leaves 30% of your screen space (on PC) wasted for the whole page! :arrowhead: This is worse than the last downgrade which really made me cheerful.

    The AmWx logo at the top doesn't show more than a faint thunderbolt outline but when I switch on dark mode it appears. That ranking icon overlay on everyone's avatar should be removed since its useless (just rookie rank 2/14 for Hoosier!?). The badges are a wonderful gift, I can't wait to see what I get for my 1000th post which is this one :lol:.

    EDIT: I just got the posting machine one again for 1000 posts :sleepy:. Very creative. I love how above each badge it says rare including "first post" one :lmao:.

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    • Weenie 1
  5. Here is an article co-authored by Dr.Jeff Masters (haven't come across his name for a while) and Bob Henson (credits include Christopher Burt, Maximiliano Herrera) putting some more insane stats on just what took place:


    Here are some snippets:

    "The lighting from the dry thunderstorms (pyrocumulonimbus) that developed was so intense that over 700,000 intracloud and cloud-to-ground lightning flashes were recorded in 15 hours, including more than 100,000 cloud-to-ground strikes. That’s about 5% of the total number of lightning flashes Canada typically sees in an entire year."

    "According to Herrera, more all-time heat records have been broken by at least 5°C (9°F) in the past week’s heat wave than in the previous 84-plus years of world weather recordkeeping, going back to July 1936. It’s worth noting that the record North American heat of the 1930s, including 1936, was largely connected to the Dust Bowl, in which the effects of a multiyear drought were amplified by over-plowed, denuded soil across the Great Plains – an example of human-induced climate change itself, albeit temporary."

    At the end they cite a 240 Hr GFS frame for more heat coming to the west, a no-no. YCC is a AGW Climate Change site.

  6. 8 hours ago, sojitodd said:

     Lytton is just burning up right now. Full evacuation with reports(and video)of much of it engulfed in flames. As if they did not have enough this past week with it reaching 121. Apparently it all developed so quickly and moved into the town that some people had to leave everything including pets. Just unbelievable for them to go through this. I hope there are no human fatalities and I dread to think of the pets that were left behind. 


    That's unbelievable, I woke up to this news. There is a chance I could've been there as if I knew what level of heat was in store for BC I would've flew to the interior to witness history and feel 50C. Likely I would've been somewhere else like Kelowna since Lytton wouldn't have too many inns with a pop. of 250 or so. It crossed my mind that it would be too dangerous just for the wildfire risk alone. This is one of those times where a child's mindset actually happened as with temps like that one would think its so hot the place would burst into flames.

  7. It started off really cloudy and was dark for the majority of the day til nearly 6pm. At noon-hour my solar radiation in lux was a joke at 13K :fulltilt:. That's the darkest day of the month by far since it was low for so long.

    For my fav month this June was pretty good overall, a few turds mixed in as usual but the heat in the first half was great and then some more recently. I got some good storms finally (just 1 good one) and pretty much got everything. 

  8. The death toll from the legendary heat wave in BC is soaring with reports now of 500 dead. I can't say I didn't expect it but its still surreal this is the 2nd deadliest Canadian weather event in history after the Newfoundland Hurricane of 1775 (4000 deaths). Lytton BC did end up breaking the less than 24 hour all-time record a 3rd time in a row getting to an unimaginable 49.6ºC (121.3F)!! :o Let's call it 50 and fall asleep. What really blows my mind is that is hotter than Phoenix AZ has EVER GOTTEN in their documented history!! That just doesn't make sense to me...

    Ironically when I type in google "deadliest Canadian weather event" the first thing that pops up is now incorrect info: "Hottest Day on Record - July 5, 1937. The highest temperature ever recorded in Canada was reached at Midale and Yellowgrass, Saskatchewan when the mercury soared to 45°C." 

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  9. I got around to looking up what Vancouver's high temperature ended up being on the big day, their forecast was the legend 40C with a humidex of 47. I found out the reason why TWN and the wx twitter community was dead silent about anything on that city: it was an epic bust beyond my wildest imagination :wacko:. It ended up only getting to 32C with a humidex of 40C! :lmao::facepalm: Sure still impressive in general but I'm curious about why the forecasters increased their high suddenly on Sun and went full tilt with 5C over their all-time record. Also some parts of the city may have gotten much higher due to the location of the sensor in a very delicate spot and I guess the wind flow caused the biggest temp bust I may have ever seen in this country..

  10. The heat under-performed in some areas of BC but not Lytton and Vancouver Island - Lytton set the all-time national record again at 47.9C. They exceeded Las Vegas' all-time hottest record :). There is a shot that Lytton today can just reach the 50ºC mark for the first time obviously in Canada's history due to some warmer 850 mb temps - on one hand I'm rooting for that milestone but on the other I'd be beside myself if I missed being there for it to cap off this historic event.

  11. 4ceu.png




    What in the fresh hell is this? That's a 26C departure for Abbotsford BC, with the hottest humidex in Canadian history :lmao: That will easily surpass Lubbock Texas's all time highest temperature :poster_oops:. The 7-day at the top is Lytton BC, with their feel like 126F Tuesday. Nothing special there. Then what might be one of the most stupid things I've ever seen in wx forecasting is for Vancouver to surpass their all-time high temperature by FIVE WHOLE DEGREES CENTIGRADE!!! I've never heard of that happening anywhere and will be a unique feature in history if later today we get the 40. Humidex also set to 46-47 for them. Vancouver getting to 40 before me is just not fair; I hope I'm teleported in my sleep to the interior.

  12. The all-time Canadian record has been broken a day early:


    That's 116F. This is just the beginning of a defining weather event, basically my wet dream. I would've never believed we'd be beating our all-time record by margins like this. There is already talk of one in a thousand year event, etc. I think its going to be one of the most extreme weather events in Canadian history, along with my favorite March event.

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  13. Osoyoos BC 7-Day:


    This is inconceivable, now TWN is forecasting the hottest Canadian temperature on record beating the previous record by 2ºC!!! :lmao::lmao: Even better, back-to-back-to-back days showing the hottest temps in our nation's history :lol:. WTF!?!? Then the humidex, nearly 50C all three days which is probably the highest since 2011 anywhere in Canada. It'll cool off to around 100F by the end of the week.

    Kamloops BC is also putting up a 45 and 46C highs in the coming days with a near 50C humidex - Kam is much further north than Osoyoos. Anyone without AC in these regions is in serious trouble.

    There is also a settlement in Northwest Territories - Nahanni Butte that is 36C currently and this Tues TWN shows 37C with humidex of 44C - I've never heard of humidex values nearly that high in NT! :lmao:

  14. Here are the Amberley ON tornado photos:



    It appeared on twitter about a hour ago and TWN also then posted it to their site, I don't know if the twitter user who posted first took the pics since he got the time wrong stating "a hour ago" which is in reality 3.5 hours ago. Reed Timmer caught wind of it and wondered if there was video of it and stated it looks like a scud tag (I've never heard of that). I don't know if that white at the base in the first pic is the inflow or the condensation hasn't reached the bottom. I can't imagine that isn't a tornado, scud isn't that well formed.


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  15. There was a tornado near Lucknow ON (credit to Aidan Stevens):


    And an insane tornado pic captured near Amberley ON:



    This was to my west, really close to the shoreline and the most photogenic tornado around here since 2007!! On TWN they were having tech difficulties near the start because they were scrambling to get setup showing the radar and pics. Of course that was my only source of high res radar as raydar.ca just YESTERDAY went offline, great timing!! :arrowhead:The WF delivers once again.

    Using this nonsense composite frame I could tell a BWER and tornado touchdown:


    There was also a couplet east of Chatsworth that might have produced as there are damage reports coming out of that region. That was 30 mins before the Amberley/Lucknow tornado.

  16. 12 minutes ago, Powerball said:

    Thanks Powerball, IEM always seems to be the knight in shining armor for wx web products. Its a decent replacement for the NWS mosaic but I still don't have a good local one as I'm in the radar hole between DTX and BUF radars on that one. TWN radar is painfully terrible and abandoned since they are basically running on fumes. How do I set the radar to current for that GIS page? The other is too small at:


  17. 5 hours ago, Stebo said:

    I really don't think it gets much more absurd than this.

    For that particular stat I can't appreciate it because I don't have any perspective to reference.

    I went to raydar.ca and there is now a message saying he is throwing in the towel for that excellent radar page for SON, stating there are better tools now which isn't true for free desktop ones and especially web-based. Now I don't have any good radar at all now :facepalm::facepalm:. Things just keep getting grand for this past time.

  18. Record shattering heat is forecast for the west and there are even numbers for Osoyoos BC that would match the all-time hottest Canadian temperature!! Some parts of the Northwest Territories could get in the upper 30s as well (that's near 100F) . I think this could be one of the deadliest Canadian weather events in quite some time.

    Vancouver BC 7 Day:


    A humidex forecast of 43 in Vancouver is absolutely insane, for perspective getting to 30C is very hard in that city and I think 35C is all-time record max.

    Osoyoos BC 7 Day:


    I think its interesting that there is a chance of a shower on the hottest Canadian day :lol:. My urge to purchase a flight ticket to the west is growing - I could escape this huge rain event that lasts days and experience record shattering heat instead :guitar:.


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