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Will - Rutgers

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Everything posted by Will - Rutgers

  1. 90s for Halloween per the long-range North Korean
  2. it's 66 outside, my thermostat is about 72, and i feel pretty cool. global warming has broken my biological thermometer
  3. the tree of heaven produces a lot of bitter-tasting alkaloids which i imagine may concentrate in the lanternfly. probably a key reason they are so distasteful to typical predators.
  4. today felt like a legitimate beach day hey @MJO812 do cops get to wear shorts?
  5. 80s tomorrow and then Saturday before the frontal passage, and the frontal passage still only gets us into the mid 60s. i try not to confound immediate weather with climate change but jesus christ this is a bizarre October
  6. you just know someone, somewhere, at sometime, tried it
  7. oh god, the crunch... those things are ****ing juicy. it's sick and satisfying at the same time.
  8. i swear we could make a religion out of you
  9. rclab stop liking my posts, they're basically all garbage and you debase yourself by doing so you're our perfect guy, leave me in the gutter
  10. mods refuse to delete my terrible shitposts, thus making me drunk with power
  11. they should replace the July 4th hot dog eating contest with a spotted lanternfly eating contest like, if you can eat one, you pretty much win
  12. high dew points a near total absence of the kind of continental polar air masses that might cross during a big fall frontal passage and someone who knows more than me could explain the specific patterns and teleconnections but the end result is high dews and very little cold, dry air
  13. i just read the AFDs, i feel like we end up with more mix than Mount Holly predicts but that's not a quantitative analysis
  14. yeah a lot of the bigger storms over the last 5 years, since i came to Piscataway, have featured extensive periods of sleet. there is always a strong mid-level warm tongue, usually poorly forecasted, that seems to muck things up. not that i am complaining, sleet is neat
  15. there's not a whole lot that's off the table with some of these ridges
  16. i have noticed my perception of warmth and humidity has definitely been changing over the last few years
  17. the Joro spider is beautiful. more or less just a cousin spider to other native golden orb weavers. probably not the worst invasive species we could be hit with.
  18. i wonder if the lanternfly problem might eventually be self-limited by the amount of damage they're doing to their principal host tree, the tree of heaven. many of the trees of heaven that i have observed infested with lanternflies look very stressed.
  19. look rclab, i gotta be there for you no matter what you request. unless it’s a below normal fall in which case i am obviously powerless.
  20. is there some kind of inversion or something? people are running fireplaces and stuff and smoke is staying near the ground.
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