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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. A Real 'beaut of a mid fall week. Some posters probably breaking our their jorts after putting them away mid-August.
  2. No one wears shorts north of the mass Pike and west of 128, unless at the pool, beach, playing sports, or summer party. That's it. You're not gonna go clean gutters wearing shorts and white new balances, get real, you'll look like a honky.
  3. Lol I don't wear skinny jeans. It's just that there's always a time during the day you need to wear pants because you're doing something that requires it like weed whacking, mowing the lawn, carpentry, ATV riding. If the day is hitting the golf course or pool party drinking Bud Select, then fine.
  4. Lol that is a situation I would wear a bathing suit. I would not wear pants to a summer party.
  5. Used to, now its jeans and a polo tucked in. On weekends its jeans and a Tee, same as after work during the summer. You just feel half naked with shorts on, plus bugs, bees, stuff getting in your sneakers ..... nevermind if you're doing physical labor.
  6. I agree with you. I hardly ever wear shorts unless I'm on a boat or hiking something strenuous, or on vacation somewhere beachy. Shorts are kids attire.
  7. Was just a pure deluge here at Devens
  8. Bit of a haul from Foxboro. And it's west Worcester at the airport that gets snow, even further away. If commuting everyday is involved, there's a few high spots around Foxboro itself. Only commute a couple a times a week....than maybe Worcester or it's associated hill towns wouldn't be so bad.
  9. Yep I just read that. They should cut from bad products, not good ones. Make no sense. Cut Adam Jones he's not that great. Just rehashes the same shit, nothing new, nothing unexpected.
  10. "Remember, I stopped 2 gas pipelines from coming into this state"
  11. Ehhh I think they'll bring Mac back, but if he stinks they'll take him out
  12. How was that, sad? Place is just gone.
  13. I still have all my leaves, not windy enough
  14. They said eastern CT up to East slopes of woo hills so we'll see. Many could use 4+, still dry.
  15. Looks rainy all next week from Sunday on, at least showers and Icelandic summer weather.
  16. Looks rainy all next week from Sunday on, at least showers and Icelandic summer weather.
  17. Ha, I hiked it yesterday too after work. Foliage getting near peak
  18. Our annual flooding October rainstorm. Seems we get one every year.
  19. A lot on the cape, but there is a fair amount in C MA in Urban areas like FIT. Loves to grow in crap ass areas like along train tracks, highways, powerlines, or channelized river banks, at least I found.
  20. Nice read. Yeah don't cook over it they say, makes a toxin when burned.
  21. He's saying 24% is dry enough that it won't sizzle. If you season wood in a shed you can get below 15%, no?
  22. Mint. It is a naturally dry wood, which is nice. I pay more attention to burn temp and frequent cleaning, but maybe I'm doing it wrong.
  23. Black locust. Tight. Best hard wood.
  24. Watch out.... You talk like that over in OT you'd be banned instantaneously.
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