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Posts posted by DeltaT13

  1. 13 minutes ago, tim123 said:

    Where's delta? Looks like he is goin to get into heavy snow again. 

    I was up late and slept in a bit. It’s a winter wonderland!  This is really pretty amazing. If you asked me yesterday at this time how much snow I’d have today at this time I would have told you a dusting to a half inch, if that.  From my window, I’m estimating just under 8 inches on the ground and snowing moderately right now!  This is truly an impressive surprise event. 



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  2. 28 minutes ago, tim123 said:

    Take measurements out Nd about?

    I didn’t stop and measure but I can tell you I saw(eyeballed) some incredible differences. Just 2 miles south of me probably had a quarter inch of snow. Then further south a good 3-4”, rinse and repeat as I drove around.  Visibility dropped to probably 50 feet at times in the good stuff

     Someone might get close to 6 on the west side. I didn’t pick up much more since I last measured. Maybe a half inch. I cleared the board 10 mins ago. We’ll see what I get overnight. 


    • Thanks 1
  3. 52 minutes ago, rochesterdave said:

    Heard Spencerport already has 2”. I bet Delta and the airport have 1”+. It’s really coming down now. 

    Just took measurements after taking a little cruise around town. Definitely the most snow of the year. Some roads were very snow covered.   I’ve got a solid 3 inches of pretty high ratio stuff on the snowboard.  My snow depth measuring point is showing 4 on the ground. It was holding maybe half inch starting the day and probably had some drifting too. Major over-performer IMBY.  Someone was posting models a few days back showing a narrow south shore special (but mostly in Wayne county)




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  4. 16 minutes ago, Flying MXZ said:

    I actually mowed a little area on Monday.  Fixed the mower and one area that was too wet to mow last time was dried up and bugging me.  The area was still snow (dusting) covered, but grass was cut!


    Snow flurries currently!

    I've had the mower out a few times in December this year to clean up some shaggy grass and rogue leaves.  The lawns are pretty lush right now and the golf courses I've been playing on are in phenomenal shape all things considered.  I imagine I'll get in some January rounds at this rate.  February is our only consistent wintry month over the last decade, so I still have hope we'll get some winter, just a smaller dose than we had hoped.  

    Our winter kickball league starts next week and we don't play unless the ground is frozen or there is at least 1 inch of snow, so that looks to be in serious jeopardy.  The league threatens to cancel it altogether every year because we have had to cancel so many games, then last year we would would have 6 consecutive weeks where we could have played but of course it was canceled because of Covid, bahhhh :(  Can't win!


    • Sad 1
  5. 3 hours ago, winter_rules said:

    That’s ironic, because East of Binghamton it was essentially the worst Christmas Eve into Christmas we could ask for in terms of snow.  We lost +/-30” of snow in about 24hrs with something like 2” of rain to help wash it away.  Went to bed with rain on a diminishing snowpack, woke up to brown ground with water flowing everywhere, including through my unfinished basement.  

    Anywhere East of of the 3 most Western Counties was a disastrous washout last Christmas.  Rochester had hours of pounding rain.  Was a kick to the nuts.  

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  6. 2 hours ago, SouthBuffaloSteve said:

    Well it’s tomorrow!  Guesses?  For comparison here is what the Steel Plant Fire looked like on radar back in 2016.



    So it looks like there was a fire overnight right in that area but it should have long been out by the time I captured that radar. I wonder if it flared back up?   The address of the fire is 2040 cory drive. Sanborn ny. 

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