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Kevin Reilly

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About Kevin Reilly

  • Birthday 06/20/1974

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Media, Pa Delaware County

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  1. Wasn’t that the case exactly one year ago this week?
  2. Suppose check the time stamps then possible that it was an earlier measurement before the snow stopped completely.
  3. It was definitely a tough one to pin down but lots of learning came from it. Overall great job you guys over at Mount Holly!!! The storm was very progressive didn’t stick around long complete hit and run like Barkley!! lol.
  4. I suppose Emmaus different parts of town possibly elevation or perhaps a bit of inaccuracy in measurement.
  5. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&product=PNS&issuedby=PHI
  6. Just got in from shoveling 21f Total 3” total year: 8.3” top layer fluffy powder middle layer sleet could feel the granular texture. I would say we lost 2-3” due to sleet and that snizzle dry slot otherwise 4-6” would have been right on.
  7. 24f partly Cloudy windy 20-30 mph blowing snow. Total Snow Today: 3.0” Total Snowfall for the Year: 8.3”
  8. 2.3” here 26f wind blowing snow in wind swept circles arctic looking here.
  9. 29f Wind blown power sugar unleashing from the heavens wind gusting to 30+ 1.7”
  10. Moderate to heavy sleet mixed with snow 31 wind gusting to 25 now
  11. light to moderate snow has resumed here 31f humidity 98% dewpoint 31f
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