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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. I was not speaking of just the northeast....there are plenty of people who doubt global warming exists. They think it is "playing" with the numbers...
  2. Nobody?...I've seen numerous posts/articles online chalking the warming up to a "cycle" rather than manmade global warming.
  3. It is not just in the northeast...an article from 2019 The winter holidays are much warmer than they used to be in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast - The Washington Post
  4. Many people are trying to make light of the implications of a possible strong to super El Nino....they do not want to acknowledge that it may trainwreck winter 23-24.
  5. Can they actually lose to Zach Wilson???....that is the apocalypse for Pats fans...
  6. I hope you enjoyed your time in the Dominican Republic during April. May and June!! At least you did not have to contend with the fearsome Tolland Looters while you were in the DR!!
  7. The Bear was from Chicago so it was very tame and harmless...
  8. You may want to look into LED bulbs as opposed to HID bulbs. HID's are brighter but the light is more focused BUT the risk of blinding an oncoming driver is higher. Keep in mind that not all brands are equal. Check with your mechanic as to what may be the best option for you and your vehicle. Also replacing bulbs/headlights can be very expensive depending on the vehicle. The Taurus Sho is notorious for that. Another important thing to do is to keep the interior and exterior of the windshield cleaned. I wash the inside and outside of the windshield once a week. More often in the summer depending on the weather. An interior of a car can get very hot and that aids in forming a haze on the interior of a windshield. Also the interior parts of a car can aid in a haze forming on the windshield. A microfiber towel works best to clean the inside of the windshield.
  9. Some people can't fathom that is doesn't change the amount of daylight, it just changes when the daylight takes place.
  10. Trust me it was horrific. Hopefully never again but I think at some point a switch to permanent DST occurs for a period of time. It is amazing how many people think the switch will give them an extra hour of daylight lol
  11. What would be worse is a permanent shift to DST. Sunrise wouldn't be till after 8 AM Due to the oil embargo that happened for a period of time while I was in high school. ..it was awful. On days like today it stayed dark till well past 9 Am. Kids were falling asleep in class. I have relatives who live in Ann Arbor Michigan. People there are dead set against a permanent change to DST because for part of December and January the sun would rise shortly after 9 AM. A friend lives in Marquette, there the sun would not rise until after 930 AM.
  12. I only have one comment regarding the famed SPIRE model's projected track for Lee...
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