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Everything posted by JC-CT

  1. Navgem was really warm at 850 at 12z, probably the reason
  2. Seems like it's out by midnight Friday into Saturday, as long as it's not a big ice storm that would bear well for my kids not getting yet another basketball game cancelled lol
  3. it's warmer and colder and dews dews dews but not that high
  4. That's 100% rain for most of SNE outside the of berks probably getting an ice storm. And hours and hours of dews in the 40s beforehand. Brutal.
  5. it's not just the thermals, per se - it's the whole evolution of the trough
  6. like this? he's not exactly wrong, taking the weeklies at face value can be problematic
  7. Aww, look at your cute 50" snow pack
  8. I'm going to be that guy, but in all seriousness, if any area from the OH valley through New England gets significant fzra followed by those temps, it's a serious disaster.
  9. looks terrible. pass. it's temp profile-driven
  10. It's hard to see how it isn't a wintery event for somewhere in new england.
  11. that's kuchera. like accidentally copying porn into a work email
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