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Posts posted by WEATHER53

  1. 10 minutes ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

    Feb. 14, 2015...yes, literally Valentine's Day.  Front went through on a blast of wind and those snow squalls.  I got about 2" from that in the space of an hour or so.  Though the squalls were not wide-spread...several areas got little or nothing...depended on where you were.  The following day it was still windy and in the teens.

    Thanks. It was wet and sideways like out of a fire hose, 1” in 22 minutes 

  2. Models having hard time with lurking arctic blast, snow cover, and assertive cold high pressures in general

    perhaps we spike in next two hours but forecasts  yesterday for this afternoon were highs in upper 40’s and were in upper 30’s so far.  This is not garden variety cold lurking and really any high pressure that we have had for these events has been suppressive. There have definitely been stone cold cutters but we are not in that kind of pattern now. 


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  3. 23 minutes ago, Bob Chill said:

    Euro wind gust panels (usually overdone) are showing 35-40mph gusts with temps in the teens late Sunday afternoon. We may not get much frozen out of this deal but it's going to feel like deep winter late Sunday through all of Monday. 

    ETA: Up to 50mph gusts in NE MD on Monday. Not a good day to walk around nude in the yard. 

    I think we gust to 50 around DC with sustained at 25-30 for  hours. Who has the date of that arctic plastering frontal squall from several years ago?

  4. Breaks down like this

    low moves right over or just east of DC. Snow on front end then DC gets into 35-39* ranged with a drizzly, foggy, light rain mess. Norfolk hits 60. Low moves northeast late Saturday night/early Sunday morning, temps fall 20 degrees in 3 hours, back to all snow and ending near noon Sunday

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