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Everything posted by JetsPens87

  1. Anthony you're gonna tell me this dude ain't a troll? He's an absolute embarassment
  2. I dont think that response meant exactly what you think it meant. You sure you're okay?
  3. Oh god you just gave me cringe memories lol He may have a genuine dislike of warm weather but I believe he's 100 percent a troll saying things like he's light headed from minor warmth like this. That I think he's just looking for reactions.
  4. That's fair Tony may be genuine Nycwinter definitely not.
  5. Him and Anthony are two of the biggest known trolls when it comes to this weather
  6. Agreed. It's definitely not room temp. But I'd take this above the last month of dreariness we've been having all day.
  7. Not everyone likes miserable rain and cold. So back at ya. Zip it cause we're all tired of that weather.
  8. Using central park as your argument... lmaooo
  9. What in tarnation are you even talking about? Those gloves and that hoodie seem to be cutting off important circulation
  10. Oh so you do go outside? I hope it starts pouring so you can't play
  11. Wrong Temp wise whatever. But the constant rain is miserable (ya know...for those of us that have lives that want to be outside)
  12. Gotta start getting some hot and humid weather to burn out the weenies
  13. I'm sure there is plenty to do outside. Go for a walk...
  14. He just sounds like an absolutely miserable recluse lol
  15. What a fun person you sound like
  16. Nice I went out around 330 and still didn't see anything here. Bummer. And of course increasing clouds tonight.
  17. Yea well that's a bit different
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