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Everything posted by 8611Blizz

  1. I always said here that if the 80s happened again that this place would be unreadable. At times this year that's exactly what it's been.
  2. From your keyboard... Would make this so much easier to deal with if we end up 80% snow.
  3. The thing not being talked about much is the duration. The gfs shows about 28 hours of precip on the 23/24 for this area. A kitchen sink of sleet snow frz. A classic shit storm.
  4. Ok. Pivotal seems to be stuck on hour 228 for me. I can see it rolling towards the coast though and it looks like it's ready to explode.
  5. I have seen some runs that had the 23rd, 26th and 28th/1st all producing but I do think that's probably not to realistic. Hopefully the 28th /1st dominating and has some legs?
  6. GFS goes full on nuts on the 28th dropping 18" on EMA... the 26th does seem to disappear though.
  7. Don't mind some freezing rain but if the temps drop quickly it's going to be a shit show pretty much everywhere. Salt in rain is pretty pointless but noway to salt everywhere at once. Rather something crawl up the coast for 24 hours than a fast change over. Kitchen sink storms are a ball breakers.
  8. This clip has to be fetish clip from porn hub.
  9. Looks like a little clipper next weekend. Haven't seen one those in awhile.
  10. Depends on a number of factors, timing, amounts, ect, but in general that type of storm causes many more headaches than it's worth. It would be fitting for this winter to have a kitchen sink storm though.
  11. Sleet/freezing rain for hours? Oh f@@k that. Snow or no.
  12. The storm at the end of the 12z gfs is great. Fairly fast moving and dumps a decent amount around SNE. Its 350 hours out so there is also that...
  13. The boat show in Boston should give test drives in this weather.
  14. That monster out in the upper midwest on the 23rd...
  15. From a personal perspective I really hope Boston doesn't go the entire month of February with out a plowable storm. Even in the rat years of the 80's that was very unusual. Also this forum needs to bust one soon or heads may explode...
  16. I'm just hoping ACK gets its projected 30" over the 384
  17. True. He is fairly conservative though so to see him mention it is unusual.
  18. Personally I think many here won't believe in a storm until they wake up to the sound of snowblowers.
  19. 2022 2023 the better late than never winter...
  20. Well some of the panels I looked at had Boston starting as rain and then the snow working west to east.
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