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Posts posted by Met1985

  1. On 7/15/2019 at 1:27 PM, BlueRidgeFolklore said:

    My son starts football this week and it got me thinking about how fall is right around the corner. I noticed the CPC 4 days ago put out a discussion stating their belief that we're headed toward ENSO-neutral through fall and winter. So for the sake of breaking up the silence, what is everyone projecting for fall heading into winter here in the mountains?


    I think we will be warm and dry this fall into winter. With the way spring and summer have been I think that is our future winter...

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  2. 5 hours ago, NGTim said:

    Wound up at 5400 at the entrance to Mile High Campground just off the Blue Ridge Parkway above Maggie Valley, and measured 4 inches of snow in one spot Saturday around 6pm.  And i think it snowed another inch or so that night (based on what we saw at Soco Gap on Sunday)  but can't vouch for that.   All i can say is I was in light to mostly moderate to sometimes heavy snow from about 10am until after 8pm Saturday.  it was amazing the difference in a couple hundred feet of elevation.  While heavy ground (grass/tree) covering snow at 5400, almost nothing at 5000 (at least Sat during the day).   

    Also learned a good lesson. Always bring sleeping bags, etc, even when its April 20 and you think you just might just chase to Highlands or something, because plans may change, and you may find yourself locked behind the gate at Soco gap above Maggie Valley on the Blue Ridge Parkway at 5000 feet in the dark at 8:30 with snow pouring.  Also, pay attention to mile markers so you can tell someone exactly where you are if you have to call someone.  I won't go into all the details, but we made it down, and I am thankful to whoever was in the silver Tundra? that showed us a back way off the parkway.  What's odd is that when we went back Sunday, there was an additional gate that was closed that was not closed Saturday night.  if that second gate had been closed i guess we may have had to camp overnight in the truck!  My daughter actually enjoyed the excitement, so that was good, and it actually was a rush, but I'm just glad i didn't learn this lesson in say January or Feb!




    Great score man! You can just about always count on Haywood county to bring the goods from Balsam,  Maggie valley, Crabtree, Fines Creek, and Max Patch. 

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