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Posts posted by Jonger

  1. 25 minutes ago, UMB WX said:

    It’s too late to put the genie back in the bottle now. Hilarious watching them try though when its their voting base shrinking. maybe the lunatics can be led to believe that Trump has taken and created an entirely different vaccine for them to take.

    Do you realize how few people die from this who don't have one foot in the grave already?

  2. 1 hour ago, TimB84 said:

    We wouldn’t be as deep into the learn to live with it stage if people would have just gotten one or two little shots. Exactly what I said all along in the covid thread, and exactly why people like me are frustrated. Delete this post if you believe you must, but that’s how I feel and that’s how a lot of people I know feel.

    There's zero risk to this demographic anyhow. Oh, before you mention kids spreading the virus to other more health sensitive populations, that's generally how all diseases spread. What's the threshold on how many deaths are too many? At some point we have get on with things.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Stebo said:

    You are the most insecure man alive, even after getting into better shape you remain insecure as ****. Oh and before you go of spouting about me, I am working towards better health myself (lost 40lb since March of last year) but unlike you I don't go flaunting it around looking for pats on the head or any other gratitude.

    Do you even read other people's posts or do you skip right to mine. Besides the sarcastic shirtless selfie comment, where did I lead with a discussion on my physique? Warywarren was the one who dropped the first bomb and I told him to put up or shut up.

    The dude could have $100 sent to St. Jude with a simple pic and here we are 6 hours later with nothing.



    17 hours ago, WaryWarren said:

    Like all gym rat shit-talkers, he skips leg day religiously. He also lives in the neo-Nazi capital of the Midwest. Sad!

    I'll Venmo a charity of your choice $100 if you post a pic of yourself.

    Full proof will be provided.

    Must include face and a reference object for height/size comparison.

  5. 19 hours ago, H2O said:

    Just wanted to drop by and let @Jonger know some good personal news.

    This shitplant worker is retiring tomorrow.  No more scooping turds and having coworkers heckle me while at the water cooler.  I get to enjoy something you won't.  its called a pension.  And it will pay me more in retirement than if I kept working.  And it won't be going anywhere cause the pension lasts as long as the shitplant lasts.  And given the amount of poo people you support like to generate it will be around for forever.

    Here's the other thing, Captain Gorton's beer battered fish sticks, I just turned 50.  So I get to enjoy many many years of retirement.  I'll be enjoying life and you will smell like squid bait and be slinging prawns for years to come.  Hell, I might even buy some of your sashimi grade cod with my pension money.  That glorious non taxpayer funded pension money.  And my retirement fund.  And my social security supplement.  That I get monthly.  All while living diabeetus free.

    Some will read this and wonder why I'm coming in here to post this.  Its because for years on another board Jonger liked to joke and make fun of my job because he's:

    A) jelly

    b) Jelly and I'm better looking

    C) hates the idea people can work hard and retire before him

    D) also hate on people who work for a place that benefits society and be an essential industry.

    E) sucks at snowmobiling 


    So he's earned this post from me.  And I keep my pension regardless of marital status

    All this post over a silly pension. My pension plan includes security monitors and an app where I peek at my employees whenever I'm curious how the place is running. Pays more and the legacy costs won't bankrupt the city.

    Good for you little man.

    • Weenie 1
  6. 9 hours ago, michsnowfreak said:

    That's why the 1936 heatwave is so unfathomable. This is when NO ONE had AC.

    Moving into my new house in 2 weeks....and my f***ing AC at the apartment has been out for 10 days. Miserable. Bought a portable unit and that keeps it below 80. Can't imagine pre-AC era as a whole.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Torchageddon said:

    For that particular stat I can't appreciate it because I don't have any perspective to reference.

    I went to raydar.ca and there is now a message saying he is throwing in the towel for that excellent radar page for SON, stating there are better tools now which isn't true for free desktop ones and especially web-based. Now I don't have any good radar at all now :facepalm::facepalm:. Things just keep getting grand for this past time.

    The NWS provided radar is the worst of the lot now.

    • Like 2
  8. On 6/16/2021 at 12:25 AM, WaryWarren said:

    But the desert offers such beautiful environs as these (Oh beautiful, for spacious skies):






    Mormons are now praying for rain, that's some Incan Empire stuff.


    On the flip side.....barely any trees or animals lost their habitat in these desert environments. As long as the water is there, it's probably lower than average impact on the planet.

    I wish we gave incentives to people worldwide to not have kids.

  9. 5 hours ago, TimB84 said:

    An insurance company is a business. The more they pay out in claims, the more everyone’s rates go up. Just because it isn’t explicitly spelled out that way on your bill doesn’t mean it isn’t baked into the premiums somehow. Also, I’m absolutely certain there are plenty of people who ride without helmets but don’t tell the insurance company they ride without helmets. But this is so far off topic that I’ll stop there.

    You're right, it's a business...and that's why they charge a premium to higher risk drivers and that applies to people not wearing a helmet.

    Also, insurance might have a solid case for not paying out if it's found the rider isn't wearing a helmet when the accident occured.

  10. 59 minutes ago, Stebo said:

    Dead motorcyclists? The point he is making is that the more claims they make the more everyone's insurance goes up.

    Riders who choose to ride without helmets have to purchase additional medical coverage. That's fully designed to cover the increases, so his assumption isn't true. The damage to the machine isn't any different with or without the helmet. The decision to not wear the helmet is completely medical.

  11. 5 hours ago, TimB84 said:

    Don’t your motorcycle insurance rates increase every time a motorcyclist without a helmet splatters his brains all over the highway?

    I believe those riders have to pay more insurance.

  12. 21 hours ago, fujiwara79 said:

    are you kidding me?  i've seen tons of people that ride motorcycles without helmets.  you live in jersey?  that's probably why.  i believe new jersey requires helmets by law.  not all states are like that.  the "muh freedumbz" crowd has always been adamantly against having states require motorcyclists wear helmets.  they were against seat belt laws back in the day too.

    I personally wear one when I ride, but it shouldn't be anyone's choice but their own. Who the hell wants to live somewhere where the decisions are all made for us and where it affects nobody but the individual?

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