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Everything posted by RDM

  1. CWG is so anxious about tomorrow they published tomorrow morning's forecast a few mins ago and then retracted it as an inadvertent publication. Poor folks are probably feel the same desperation many of the rest of us are.
  2. 29F/23dp - just came in from outside. The air has a feeling to it... If sheer willpower could buy us the fix we all need, we'd be shoveling out of our second story windows Thursday morning.
  3. 38F / 23 dp here just NW of Vienna @ 375' ASL
  4. NWS just moved the WSW boundary S &E by about one county along much of the previous cut-off from central VA up through MD
  5. Latest from CWG - (regrets if someone already posted this - didn't see it) Pretty amazing "Boom" potentials. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/12/14/dc-winter-storm/
  6. Anyone have the soundings for DCA and IAD for noon ET Thursday? Curious how close it's going to be and comparing the two. Out of consideration for the MD/DEL folks maybe throw in BWI too.
  7. The only thing missing is "Prompts the return of Bob Chill"
  8. Notice the teens in upstate NY with purples in Quebec. That's some really cold stuff there and strong flow pumping it southward.
  9. Isn't that what happened with the surprise storm in Nov of 87 here? Forecast was for a few flurries and a deformation band setup along a line from Mt. Vernon/Woodbridge up through Eastern FFCO and the eastern part of the beltway. The influx of cold air from a stronger than anticipated hp up over the GLs helped create the lift and the intense results caught everyone by surprise.
  10. When Wes talks, people listen. Just like the old EF Hutton commercials for those of us old enough to remember them. Great to see you back with us sir!
  11. That about says it all for our cursed affliction.
  12. Would love it to sn+++ so much you have to close, disband and/or otherwise strategically detonate the PR for at least the rest of the 20/21 season and at the risk of being greedy next season too.
  13. Stepped away for a while... Upon returning 4 hours later the message ticker said "125+ messages" Brings a smile and that special feeling we all get when "it's on!"
  14. Good to see you back Midlo. Hope you can get that snow machine going again soon in your back yard. Miss the depth reports.
  15. Wow. Going anywhere ivo of a faulty 7.2kV feeder in the rain is brave. Seen first hand what a faulty feeder on a 2.5MW generator can do and it ain't pretty.
  16. rotflmao - that's good. It may be a good thing neither one of us is a carpenter!
  17. Does that mean you've lobbed of 2 fingers and all your toes? I can still count to 21.
  18. 26 currently - got down to 25. A tad chilly out.
  19. Dunno - our home is at 385' asl. Merrifield is around 400' (at the Metro). International Drive and 123 is the highest point in FFCO (520') other than the transfer station at 66 and FFCO Pky, which at 550' is the highest point in FFCO. Sad the highest point in FFCO is on top of a landfill.
  20. It's snowing here just outside Vienna! Ahhhhhh.....
  21. Great - I used to hang out in 7-Sp a lot years ago before settling down. Had a group of telemark friends that were a blast to hang out with in the Foggy Goggle. 20+ years later and an untold number of additional pounds and it would be ugly to hit the slopes again. Lots of good memories from up that way.
  22. Take em to 7-Springs in PA. Only 3 hours and if anyone around here has snow, they do. Put the kids in a ski school and head to the back side and hit Giant Steps. Plenty of non-ski things to do for the kids in the lodge too.
  23. Next they'll be calling in Kenau Reeves and Adam Sandler as replacements... Sad situation across much of the league.
  24. We had a 2 day 3 foot event here in 2016 (30" is close enough for me). I'd like to experience a really good LES in Buffalo. Compare it to some other events I've had the good fortune of experiencing. FWIW - Experienced the aftermath of a 3 day 3 meter event in Sass Fee, Switzerland in... I think it was 89. Had to delay the departure of our ski bus from Frankfurt because all the roads were closed at altitude in CH due to avalanche threat. We departed Fkt around midnight, drove all night and got to the resort about 9 in the morning; only to learn the slopes were closed due to the excessive snowfall, the type of snow and the continued avalanche threat (the type of snow was key as we found out later). We heard the charges all day from the helicopters and howitzers as they initiated slides in the most avalanche prone areas. Got up the next morning with everyone psyched for a great day of powder. Heading up the lift we saw only a few paths made by the snow cats with people on piste barely moving. Couldn't figure out what was going on until we got off the lift a the top and saw a lot of the Swiss riding the lift back down with this look of "don't even think about trying to ski" on their faces. Being a group of undeterred Americans we figured it was just them and there was no way we were going to miss 3 meters of fresh powder. In short order we quickly figured out the Swiss were indeed the smart ones. The sun from the day before had put a nice thick crust on top of the snow. So much so once you got on top of the crust, you were sliding out of control until something slowed your decent, like a fall. When you broke through the crust the underlying snow was so light it was like depth hoar. There was almost no substance to it. People who fell took 15 mins or more to just get oriented vertical again, if they could do so on their own. People without powder straps on their skis were in real trouble if their bindings released. I was on telemark skis, which don't release, so that was a big advantage. After about 2 hours of it, many of those in our group and around us had long lost the sense of humor in it. In some cases, people were freaking out. The ski patrol initiated a rescue operation with the snow cats in areas where they could go. In many areas, the light snow made the steeper areas inaccessible even to the snow cats. We finally made it down to the next ski lift station and rode the lifts back down to town. We don't get that kind of light stuff here and heard later from the locals that storm was a fluke. Japan gets some whopper snowfalls. If you get a chance to experience one, think you'll be impressed.
  25. Ahem... Is that another form of slant sticking? If so, how low do you mow? Down to where a trace is measurable?
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