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Posts posted by CoraopolisWx

  1. 5 minutes ago, MikeB_01 said:

    Honestly, its a nice trend. We are right on the line, but the 00z GFS showed some hints of bringing the energy back a little further west as well. So the NAM and the GFS are hinting at a slightly stronger LP that runs a little more inland and slower.

    Will need to watch, but its a nice to see. Hoping the Canadian comes in with a least a little move

    Definitely having the other's support would be nice. Gonna be walking that fine line right through Friday morning. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, rochesterdave said:

    I’m gonna testify to my stupidity here; how does one know if a system closes off. Do you look at the 500 and want a full circle at the base of the trough? 

    Yes. Seems like the winds at the H5 level are so strong, it's not able to close off a low. Uneducated guess.

    Checking in your group, since our interests are aligned.

  3. 1 hour ago, north pgh said:

    Since the super bowl is boring.....I thought I’d jump in here with my pessimistic thoughts on this weeks storms. I have a hard time believing that we get a triple barrel low. Odds are always in our favor for rain with an inch or less back end snows. :facepalm:

    Sometimes you have to try reverse psychology :ee:

    Something we've seen for many years, is the inability for any strong inland runners to develop south of PA.

    We also tend to be on the wrong side of the boundary with moisture laden overrunning systems.

    The three separate waves are tough to deal with.

  4. 1 hour ago, KPITSnow said:

    It figures...after dealing with everything cutting all winter the next storm looks like it could be south or East.

    ive said it before, but it seems literally everywhere in a 50-100 mile radius of us has had a good 12+ inch storm the last 5 years but us.

    Reminds me of 86-92, which featured long periods without snow. Dec 1992 was the first big storm I experienced. 

  5. 3 hours ago, buckeye said:

    Speaking of Cincy futility.....:yikes:



    Snow equals views/memberships. 

    Whether it's wxbell or all these other youtube forecasts, they know the viewer base. And if there's enough evidence to show above average snow, they're gonna push that.

    Unfortunately, rarely will these folks show the evidence of why winter could be another dud.

  6. Not sure about Jonesboro Arkansas, but we’re possibly becoming Charleston WV.  
    Just looking at trends I don’t see winter improving. 

    Basically the odds of becoming Charleston WV are much better than say I-80. Synoptically speaking.  
    Despite Charleston being much further away than I-80. 

    Sorry about possibly derailing any discussion on tonight’s flurries and wind event. 



  7. 1 hour ago, MikeB_01 said:

    Euro showing a pretty decent thump on saturday. This if of course before a change over to some mix and then all rain. Not sure it pans out, but its something to watch.


    57 minutes ago, Rd9108 said:

    The trend is looking good for a quick thump and maybe it trends better but with that warm tongue I never get my Hope's up. 

    There seems like a consensus is forming among the big three of at least 1-3" on the front end.

    Nothing great, but outside of a few rogue snow squalls, this would be the biggest event so far. Smh


  8. 20 minutes ago, Ji said:

    I love CAD....and there is nothing like a CAD event but i wonder how much more snow we would have if we didnt have CAD/Mountains and this snow was easily able to make it to us.




    12 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    Draw a line west of the mountains and that’s about how much...and you wouldby like it. You would sacrifice a few small storms from west to east clippers for big totals where CAD saves us from a flip. Our best storms that track south of us have enough easterly wind component that the downslope isn’t an issue. It’s when we’re stuck in a pattern with lows going to our west that it sucks but that pattern wouldn’t be that good anyways. 

    You folks definitely want the App's.

    Here in Pgh, CAD is the bane of our winter existence, as we constantly get flooded with warm air.

    Even on 2/5/2010 parts of our area had rain until 9-10 pm.

  9. 24 minutes ago, ChalkHillSnowNut said:

    Seriously-driving from the laurels into bethel park was ok-leaving bethel around 8pm to come home-it was thick thick fog until we hit Uniontown....not sure what the deal was with all that dense fog-hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and hope New Years brings some snow and a better pattern

    Glad you made it home safe.

    This is some of the lowest visibility I can remember in a awhile.

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