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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. I look at it slightly differently. I love HHH and I’m not in great shape. The reason I do is 1) usually a chance of storms and 2) the feeling of relief when I come home from being outside in oppressive conditions to the AC is an incredible and exhilarating feeling. Just my opinion and two cents
  2. Do you think these can hold together to the coast Wiz?
  3. Just lost power here in Braintree. Nice little storm rolling through with some good lightning strikes
  4. Next day 2 outlook at 1:30 local time might be interesting?
  5. JB yikes! Is there even a tornado threat at this time with the severe this weekend?
  6. What’s Bastardi’s forecast for Flint then?
  7. Isn’t it tough to get sig tornadoes in non EML situations in these parts? (Assuming the ‘53 reference was a sincere one?)
  8. Would their be any EML associated with this weekends storm chances? Asking as a novice
  9. Pouring and thundering here in Plymouth
  10. I have relatives close to that area and they love it
  11. If I thought there was a chance in a thousand my wife would agree I’d entertain that. Vegas is awesome
  12. I’ve been to Tucson in monsoon season and it’s a blast but just a tad too warm for me.
  13. ll guess somewhere with descent severe and the occasional hurricane threat so probably lower Carolinas into GA or even northern FL? Hopefully also get a descent spring and hopefully hot summer but not blazingly so (like Texas)
  14. I’ve got to move the heck out of here when I eventually retire. I can’t do 10 more years of faux spring and three weeks of actual summer. It’s too depressing
  15. Does the current weather pattern favor or disfavor potential tropical systems later this summer?
  16. Hi everyone. Since today is the anniversary of the Worcester tornado of ‘53, any guesses how the day would have been outlooked for the NE if Norman OK had been up and running in those days? ex. Slight, moderate, high risk ?
  17. Does anyone with any insight have any opinions about our prospects for thunder and lightning overnight tonight?
  18. Only 334 more days till May 1st
  19. Oh well hopefully we’ll have our turn this summer so it shall be known to future generations as, “Derecho Day ‘19”
  20. Multi day severe weather event missing to our south by only a few hundred miles. What else is new...
  21. Good call wiz apparently large and dangerous tornado on the ground in NE PA
  22. Just really considering tornados in terms of history around here I was thinking of the Wallingford tornado of August 1878 which killed about 30 people. The greatest death toll in a storm until Worcester in ‘53
  23. Biggest three in SNE were in June, August and October so anytime it gets warm is fair game really
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