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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. I’d take just one of those gully washer storms they seem to have in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson daily
  2. I’ve been out of the loop today but just hoping for a nice storm (rain, wind etc) . It’s been so long
  3. Any possibility of thunder with this?
  4. I wish more were known about this outbreak. Always fascinated with it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enigma_tornado_outbreak
  5. I often suspected living near Protestants increased my snow chances
  6. Happy retirement to James White. As solid a player as they can get
  7. Heavy rain forecasted next Wednesday. We all know that the powers that be are NOT going to let that happen lol
  8. Just noticed the one area of interest in the Atlantic went poof. Still early but shouldn’t things start to fire up about now?
  9. Finally a T storm. See? If you complain and whine enough nature listens
  10. And not surprisingly that storm looks to barely miss my area to the north once again.
  11. RIP Uma Pemmaraju. Folks over 40 in SNE might remember her as a local news anchor before she went to Fox.
  12. Some rain and a tropical threat or two would do nicely lol
  13. I certainly don’t expect thunderstorms with any regularity but it’s incredible how every rain opportunity has dried up on my doorstep practically
  14. I can’t remember this long a stretch without at least a shower. although I suppose it’s possible something might have fallen at nighttime
  15. The rain is needed but at least the occasional cracks and booms are nice
  16. Development just south of me. Wasn’t anticipating that.
  17. I can hear thunder at least. I should take my participation trophy and go home
  18. Since that line seems to be drifting SE I wonder if Scott and I can get in on the goods?
  19. Another popping up west of Worcester and maybe another just NW of Boston
  20. Strong little cell popping up just west of Nashua
  21. I’m starting to get a bit spooked about the drought myself and I don’t usually
  22. And a storm cellar with the latest in stereo technology? That’s my wish
  23. Looks pretty thundery in update NY currently
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