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Everything posted by SchaumburgStormer

  1. Snow is accumulating efficiently, but will be a nightmare to measure. Already have drifting starting
  2. Yeah, definitely drawing a jackpot from you to me to ORD. We shall see, frustrating storm to track, but enjoyable nonetheless.
  3. What? The 00z is running, and it’s not anything close to a game changer.
  4. HRRR looks to be a touch north with the FGEN placement at initialization. Probably noise, but makes a difference for those in extreme N IL riding the edge of the line
  5. Red flags coming from about every direction to lower expectations locally.
  6. I an going to say that mby into Glen Ellen sees 6-10”. If the FGEN gets shunted way north, in theory that would be due to the fact that the storm is taking a more northerly track, thus giving us synoptic snows.
  7. Absolutely insane that after good model agreement for day, we diverge as we approach the storm RIGHT UP TO FLAKES FLYING. I guess we will nowcast this sucker, but I still feel good about a 4-6” floor for totals in my area.
  8. SREF plumes for DKB with a 6.25” mean, with no members under 2.75”. ORD mean over 7” with only one member under 4”.
  9. Shoved the F gen band a bit further north though.
  10. It’s still snowing in IL at this point... I am sure this qualifies as a “hot run”.
  11. NAM coming in hot across Iowa and along/north of 88 in IL
  12. Outside of a pretty epic screw hole over Dekalb on the FV3, models are gradually coming together on a good hit for N IL. Feeling pretty confident about warning criteria snows, and think the city proper is going to get smoked good when adding in lake enhancement and lake effect.
  13. NAM is a great hit for N Il. Edit: Cyclone javkpot
  14. Snow wise, yes. But we have stopped the bleeding from a zzzz system. Hopefully keep stepping the right direction
  15. Going to be a solid run for N IL. Baby stepping back the right direction
  16. Finished at 4.2” here. Nice storm, let’s lock in the big dog for next weekend.
  17. It’s like riding the hot guy at the craps table. Keep rolling!
  18. 4.1” on total here. May make a run at 5 before it’s all done
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