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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Seconded. Toim Brady has big shoes to fill.
  2. Not far from totality for the Eastern 1/3 of Ohio.
  3. Were you there for the first of several Howard Cosell off color comments?
  4. When is that 6 week period? Plenty of upper 60's and 70's in Dec, Feb, etc...over the last Decade. LOL.
  5. Starred in a couple very funny spoof movies as well. Outside the "trial" that is what I most remember him for. His football days were pre football watching for this youngin'.
  6. 65 on a day where it gets to near 80 is a guaranteed big ac blow day.
  7. I work at home so some of it is also based on that. 75-76 degrees (in the house) and in a meeting is not ideal but I could do it if I really wanted.
  8. It also depends on what you keep your house at. We keep it 66-68 in the winter and 70-72 in the summer so if it gets to 80 and the sun is out, it will fly past 72 by afternoon.
  9. I think it depends on the temps. Upper 70's is AC time in Jan or April. We had this convo last year and our place gets hot very quickly.
  10. My hvac person came for checkup yesterday and mocked me for running the AC. Told the dude it was 79 the day before.
  11. May 9th, 2020, Mothers Day 1977, I think 2013 as well.
  12. I was mostly joking but it is certainly not too late to see snow in the air. Doubt it would accum, regardless of GFS panels. Would be a shock to have temps down near freezing again if next week pushes 90.
  13. LR GFS has some snow in PA 3 times in the later period. Book it? LOL
  14. 61 mid-summer like degrees right now. MDT made it to 59 so far so using the HRRR and 3K panels, the Min Max record that MJS mentioned would be set for 4/11.
  15. They would at least 8-4 right now with a decent BP.
  16. They have another Euro to carry the load now along with Ky and the Guys.
  17. Here is the panel (one of them) for verification. I said late next week, I misread when parsing, it is early. GFS is warm this day as well but not nearly this warm.
  18. 55% is not too bad. We are getting a strong SW influence from a low in KY and a large one in LA. Lucky it is not worse. This graphic should make you feel better for a couple days :-). MR and LR GFS has us right on the border between nice, spring (with a few winter-like nights mixed in) weather and humid through much of April. A battle. CMC on the other hands makes a run for 90 late next week!
  19. Not too shabby here. It is Mostly Cloudy and 72/55/55%. MDT is still below 70. :-)
  20. You are raising MDT almost 10 as well...they are 61! Good Ole MDT.
  21. Nooners...a windows open LSV 60 degrees and partly cloudy.
  22. Decent cool down and maybe some MSV snow coming for the early weekend (before the next round of heat.) 53 here this Am after some light rain overnight. Next week looks like a frying pan.
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