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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. It's late enough now that regardless what happens from this point there will be no more dead grass this year.. We are getting a ****ton of rain today.
  2. About 1.5" since late afternoon yesterday. 58F and cool rain currently. Another perfect morning to enjoy coffee on the porch. Weather has everyone, and their barking dogs, inside. So quiet can hear nothing but the falling rain; it is peaceful and relaxing. A moment of tranquility before the chaos, angst, and eventual disappointment of another Cowboys football season begins.
  3. Temp dropped to 60F today. What a difference.
  4. 8F temp drop and 6F DP drop since 8:30.
  5. When I woke up, it was more of the same gross weather. Now the back door has been opened! North winds picked up , drizzle ensued, and temps are falling. Feels nice out on the porch enjoying coffee. Beautiful.
  6. About .7 here tonight. Sorely needed
  7. I suspect we will be threatening the 90 mark early next week, especially around dc.
  8. Rain to the north... rain to the south...
  9. Good. After going rainless in about 25 FFW events this year, I'll even be able to go rainless through a land-falling hurricane too.
  10. Lol. Partly sunny skies here and not a drop to be found. Turning out like the rest of the 25 FFW I have had this year.
  11. A nice, albeit very brief, respite from the misery. Right back to the muggy mid 80s next week.
  12. Storms went around me in every direction. Loud thunder from storms to my N, S, and E. Not a drop.
  13. Well, I got half of that - still - my yard is mostly fried after this 2 week torcher. I've had .03" in the last 15 days.
  14. Throw one out here. Else I'll have little grass left by the end of this torcherous week.
  15. I'd settle for some lows in the 50s.
  16. Thank goodness. Please let it come to pass.
  17. Bulls-eyed by the ridge. Disgusting. How I loathe this place.
  18. Me too. Unfortunately, it's not coming for at least the next 10 days. Staring at a 6-day run of 90F in September is just sickening.
  19. Another comical miss today. First drops in 11 days, to the tune of .03".
  20. Saw distant lightning to the NNE for hours last night. NOTHING. Mowed last evening and noted how much brown is starting to show. At least 10% of my yard is already torched.
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