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cny rider

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Everything posted by cny rider

  1. I disagree with some of your other political posts, but that's for another discussion. But I agree this can't be one size fits all response for the entire state of NY. Here in Otsego County we have a trickle of new cases, typically 3-4 per day. One death so far. Some stress on our healthcare system but manageable so far. We're rural and people are distancing well. But: Our economy wasn't so hot to begin with, and now it is being obliterated. We have already committed to having no school through April. Our children need to get back to school. Our adults need to have an opportunity to earn a living. If case numbers remain low by late April we need a mechanism that gets kids back in school, and at least a partial resumption of economic activity while keeping tight surveillance for flare ups of the virus. I'm not saying that's what should happen in Queens or Brooklyn but we need to give it a try in rural counties with low case loads.
  2. I think it's important to remember those without symptoms haven't had symptoms yet. LEt's see what happens in the next few weeks with that group before drawing conclusions.
  3. I'm sorry.....it sounds like you are closer to volunteering at this point than working in a professional position. We thank you for your service. One good thing about volunteering is you can decide to do as much of it or as little of it as you like. If it's stressing you out too much at current levels perhaps a reduction in workload is in order.
  4. Step up, my man. My kids parents both work in heath care. We are busting our asses, literally risking our lives every day now to better and possibly save the lives of others. It's not easy.....and having our kids home from school unexpectedly isn't making it any easier. And you're bitching about having to work, as in actually performing the job you get paid for? For an entire extra week? In a time of crisis like this, you're bitching about having to work and actually earn your pay and benefits? Is the 10 weeks off you have coming up this summer not enough? Do you not see the plight of so many others around you who got laid off and have no pay, and no benefits coming in? How tone deaf can you be?
  5. Abbott is putting out a new test that will detect COVID infection in minutes. It will be available in early April. Imagine how different the course of this disaster would have been in America if we had that test a month ago. If we had a pandemic response team at the NSC for example, or merely even a competent President who listened to briefings on what was happening in January and had started working with industry to get PPE stockpiled, and these rapid tests developed. We would have been testing and rapidly isolating individual cases and outbreaks instead of watching thousands of Americans die as we are now.
  6. Ripping snow out there. We didn't have a day like this from before Christmas until the end of January......
  7. Go to the dentist if you can find one that is working. You are at significant risk of getting an infection in your mouth but almost no risk of getting corona at the dentist's office. The risk is high for the dentist because they have people breathing and aerosolizing fluids in their face all day long.
  8. Those numbers are worthless. I work in health care. We can't test people because we don't have availability of the testing materials. We are flying blind.
  9. Yeah I'm good with this trade. Diggs is as good as anyone you could have picked at WR, and he's good right now. Thinksnow is also right. If they can't coach the stupid out of Josh, then nothing else will matter. This is a really big year coming up. If Josh doesn't get his head screwed on straight it will be time to move on and draft another QB.
  10. This is a huge societal issue and I don't see it being addressed nearly enough. The biggest source of good paying jobs in my area is health care. The demands for work hours from doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and everyone else in the hospital is skyrocketing. And at the same time we are telling them their kids aren't going to school for a month...... So how exactly does this work? You're an ICU nurse with a 6 year old and an 8 year old unexpectedly at home and you're supposed to go work 12 hour shifts.......What gives?
  11. Almost a whole inch here in Otsego County. Summer can't come soon enough.
  12. I think coverage will mostly be OK. But it's not going to be what I hope for in early March when there's usually great base plus some fresh. I think mentally I'm just checking out too. I just walked outside in a shirt and pants with no coat and it felt great.
  13. Checking out Ottawa as an alternative to the ADK's this weekend. Rideau Canal is already closed for skating for the year!
  14. We have a long weekend too, but I haven't made reservations because we always seem to get burned when we make winter sports plans too far ahead. I'm still debating Daks vs. Greens vs. just stay home if it rains a few times this week then all re-freezes into glacier for next weekend without fresh snow on top. Stay tuned I guess.....
  15. You don’t have long to wait for spring......check out the temps for next week.
  16. Snow Ridge will have some great skiing this weekend!
  17. Well that sure makes this year's dominant storm track obvious!
  18. Great ski conditions in the fresh before it went above freezing in the afternoon. Me and Lexi our 8 month old Golden pup.... IMG_1763.HEIC
  19. Dog had to go pee @0300. Took her out, had 2-3 inches of wet snow on the ground, was lightly drizzling and I figured we were in a dry slot with more snow to come. Woke up this morning, saw my footprints unchanged from 0300. No new snow. Total bust.
  20. I hope you're right but even on the Euro that SE ridge looks mighty stout.......going to be hard to overcome that.
  21. Is there really any way that we avoid a 50F degree rain storm a week from now? I don't see how.
  22. About 3 inches overnight, lumpy mashed potato consistency. We just went above freezing. Still falling as snow.
  23. Any ski/snow eports yet from the Dacks travelers? We went to Snow Ridge today. They had the goods.. Plenty of nice soft powder. Great ski day.
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