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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I of course prefer chill and seasons in season, but I can also admit when we are torching and furnacing like we have in September and now Oct. There’s a difference between admitting it and trying to deny it
  2. Today’s wx sure went downhill the last 24 hours. From sunny and 70 to cloudy and 60. They’ve blown these short term forecasts all summer and fall so far .
  3. It’s amazing how much that group fights warmth. We’ve furnaced thru almost +6 thru the first 5 days of the month relative to time of year. And next week will probably get us up up +8 for the month. But because a few sheltered valleys in Maine had a frost at 33, and a sleet pellet fell on the Canadian border it hasn’t been endless summer. This crew is something else .
  4. Didn’t Will scold these ACATT posters the other day about keeping their banter in banter threads? Looks very warm next week
  5. I recall in days of Yore when we’d get frost In September. Now many of us struggle to get one in October
  6. Will the first 7-10 days of OCT be above or below normal in SNH?
  7. Man , next week trended even warmer and longer with the warmth and humidity on overnight runs
  8. That was for next week mainly . We’ll see how it plays out.
  9. Well this is the first week that we’ve finally gotten some decent color showing . Before it was mainly stressed stuff . Nice to finally get trees changing. Hopefully a good season ahead
  10. Leaves finally changing in SNE this week. Lots of ugly browns and leaf rot with the wet summer , but there’s some decent reds showing up too
  11. Lol Just picture these same 5 guys.. circled around in their robes .. slowly moving their knees apart.. peekaboo
  12. The amount of Kev haters in this thread is LOL. Good lord ..it’s a weather board. Find something productive to do with lives if you get so hot and bothered over weather posts. I mean seriously .. It’s the same 5 or 6. Posting and then liking or laughing at each other’s posts ..like 5-6 guys in a sauna with robes on ... peeking up each other’s robes . I see yours.. see mine
  13. Summers have been lingering into autumns now for many years. The weather hasn’t and doesn’t follow a calendar . If it did.. we would always have seasons in seasons. For the next few weeks at least.. it’s endless summer
  14. 1 poster lives in Maine and they hit 33 one morning and suddenly it’s winter everywhere
  15. When it’s 87 /69 in CON or BTV next week .. let’s revisit
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