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Everything posted by sferic

  1. @uncle W love it, i couldn't though find snowfall records for any given day of the year
  2. 34 - 35 that night in lynbrook
  3. I witnessed both and here in Liberty NY on 5.9.20 we had .5 of snow; barely a trace on Long Island @uncle W do you have a source where I can browse through in an easy way record high/Low temps and snow for each day of the year for Syracuse NY? Thanks !
  4. Up here in Liberty NY a half inch of snow is likely overnight into the early hours of May 1st
  5. Per my weather stations .94 at My Lynbrook NY home .42 at my Liberty NY home Current temp in Liberty 38.6 degrees with partly cloudy skies
  6. 12z suite so far shows a more west bias; might be a little encouraging for the catskills..Nowcasting time
  7. Latest from BGM 2:20PM A few inches of wet snow is expected to fall at elevations above 1500 feet in the western Catskills, with up to a few tenths of an inch of snow expected elsewhere east of I-81 Should the track of the system shift a bit farther west, higher accumulations will be possible in our area, especially across the Catskills. Low temperatures Thursday night are expected to be in the lower to mid 30s.
  8. Also is lessening of the snow threat for us because heavier QPF further east or not enough cold air, or a combination of both?
  9. Agreed, BUT a slight shift South and west can make a difference with as little as 50 miles
  10. Agreed, if 00z suites are consistent with today's runs then I'll see the handwriting on the wall
  11. I understand your logic and interpreted the models the same way but this evening Binghamton TV mets said 3-6 for the Catskills
  12. Today and tonight's runs will definitely be more telling. Wobbling is part of it and we are 60 hours out
  13. Would love mid April 3-6 inch snowfall in Liberty NY @crossbowftw3 @Ericjcrash @snywx we're all in the game
  14. Can't wait to read your take and analysis of this
  15. This 12z Euro has my undivided attention @crossbowftw3 @Ericjcrash @snywx intrigued ?
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