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Everything posted by penndotguy

  1. Starting Monday we are pulling the spreaders out and removing a few plows, so you can lock that forecast in for sure.
  2. I was watching a few cams from up that way and couldn't hardly see the snow depth signs,
  3. This winter has been a true definition of Azz, or as the New Englanders say A Ratter either way ya slice it sucked, the fact that I had 3 snow events that totaled 6" really tells the story its even worse around Philly. I hope this is the Grand Finale of Shitty winters and next year we really cash in because quite honestly it couldn't get any worse, That's my Rant to close out Winter.
  4. we actually do ok in seasons like these, my company has a decent amount of Seasonal contracts, they pay whether it snows or not, its the bad winters they get screwed on.
  5. I really love snow and would like to move northwest however with my son racing Mx and his future in the sport we will likely be relocating South or Southwest where he can ride and train year round, although this winter he has been riding and training locally he only went o Fla. once this winter. I still have that feeling that we are in for one surprise before we officially hit Spring.
  6. Yup seems like the corridor from Johnstown thru Williamsport on northeast of there have been in a good spot this year
  7. Mild and wet, cold and dry surely the theme of this winter and the cold has been short lived 2-3 days at a time, while I have pulled the plug on this season I'm not so sure we don't go through BN temps in March and April just prolonging this agony. There's always next Winter, in all reality it cant be worse than this one can it ?
  8. I agree with this statement, they've all looked great at this range.
  9. 34 with snow now, whew what day went from 51 to 34 in like 4hrs.
  10. When I read your post this morning about the 6% fail, I thought to myself this year will be the 6% what a dreadful winter this has been.
  11. 44 balmy deg. @5am On a early Feb. morning with rain. someone please end this horrible nightmare.
  12. 34 with occasional flakes, lots of black ice earlier.
  13. 8 day rainstorm lock it in, if that showed a snowstorm it would fail 100% this season. Lets all just be negative from here on in maybe it will create some sort of reverse psychology Lol
  14. As bad as last year seemed at least there was some wintery precip. out this way, granted most were snow to sleet and freezing rain but there were several Nickle and dime events to get me to normal snowfall this year is just pathetic.
  15. Sadly I doubt we ever get back to those days, but at some point the law of averages has to even out and a great winter is hopefully in the cards going forward. Im waving the white flag on this winter, I hope Im wrong but the trends aren't our friends.
  16. Yeah the Epic winter has sure gone down the toilet, after reading so many great outlooks I was really looking forward to a decent winter Then December happened and not looking good going forward. As bad as last winter was I still managed normal snowfall, That being said there haven't been too many Februarys without some snow my birthday being the 12th we usually snow around that timeframe, Im keeping hope alive for mid Feb. till Early March.
  17. I really miss Ed Hannah, not sure what ever happened to him but he was pretty good, That woman and Skelton annoy the hell out of me, Clayton is ok but yeah not real weather personalities if ya ask me.
  18. I think most news outlets these days are pressed for time so they give the basics and think the general public need it simplified. I remember back in the late 80's Herb Clark actually showing folks what was happening and why, even Hurricane giving details not so long ago and Bolaris well just leave him out of the conversation. But yeah weather personalities aren't what they used to be
  19. Not sure how many on here from Berks or LV watch 69 news weather, but the new guy Dan Skelton has got to be the worst I've ever watched. Last night he more or less proclaimed winter was over and February will be just as mild as January, that might be true when all as is said and done but with 2 more months to go that's a pretty bold statement not to mention he doesn't give any reasoning why. He also said the storm this weekend will go out to sea and not affect us, again pretty bold statement with 5 days to go. seems 69 news has gone down hill the last couple of years.
  20. I don’t do my snowblower till the first plowable storm is in progress, the wife thinks I’m nuts
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