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Everything posted by CoastalWx

  1. That was a tough storm to forecast in Boston. I certainly did not think we would get that much on the coast, but when the euro was bullish on actual CAA from the NE at 925mb...I started to believe the day before. The deep 700-500 RH/VV also was another clue. Certainly a lesson learned on the coast. I will say that some OCMs went down with their ship right up to game time. Rip and reading NAM and GFS.
  2. We have talked about that storm quite a bit. Is pretty much ranked up there with the most awe inspiring storms of all time. Needham was ground zero for that band of TSSN.
  3. Yeah nothing is definite, but if you think about it for return rate, I think the other two examples would go down a lot sooner than a widespread late October 6-24"+ storm. And oh yeah...gave DC-NYC-BOS snow as well.
  4. Certainly not as widespread. We may see a narrow area get a siggy October snow, but the widespread nature of that storm like will not be matched in our lifetime.
  5. By the way, excellent site for radar data for those who don't know. https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/GIS/apps/rview/warnings.phtml
  6. You have anything saved from December? You guys had that really interesting storm that had some crazy mesoscale rain and snow lines.
  7. You'd never know there was a path cleared and a deck 5' below that drift. 2/15 storm.
  8. That was a strange event. Dropped 7 degrees in 10 minutes and started straight as snow where I was. Very convective with colder air working in from N and NE of all places.
  9. The record breaker. Kind of a special event for me.
  10. Dem PCź kidz has deez days is tougher dhen nailz to figures out.
  11. That dryslot tickled so close to my house in that one image..lol. Pretty impressive. The drifts were super impressive.
  12. This thread is a great source of information. As someone who casually reads this, I appreciate those who try and stay grounded without letting their passion for their views get in the way. Lots of good posters here.
  13. We haven't seen many of these Ninos this strong and having this much of an influence on the pattern, so sample size is small. It's a classic split flow pattern that is ripe to produce heavy rain. To blame this on AGW is simply irresponsible. Of course the world has warmed, but attribution to AGW with this specific event is pretty much useless. Split flow Patterns are stubborn to break. The same split flow pattern produced a warm and dry east and far NW.
  14. This is simply what occurs in a classic Niño split flow pattern.
  15. Perhaps 4.33" of precip on avg would have fallen in a cooler climate instead of 4.36"?
  16. The same can be said for people hoping the Earth goes up in flames.
  17. Wow, sounds like you have it solved? Blaming specific events on CC isn't helping the situation.
  18. Well the problem is that people have real problems. Nobody cares if we broke a record by .03C. People hear it on the news and it's enough to trigger the emotion of "oh dear that doesn't sound good.." and then it's forgotten 30 seconds later. Most people have other issues to deal with.
  19. LOL, humanity together? Most don't give a sh*t.
  20. Every alarmist just through their laptop and possibly pet, out the window.
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