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Everything posted by CoastalWx

  1. Oh I mean in the Fall. Summer traffic has been terrible. Just more and more people and your theories are valid too. You would think working from home would help too.
  2. Agree. Traffic can only get better.
  3. Big Ben, big bust. Sounds like someone had some stuff on the line and wishcasted.
  4. Cold fronts that were formally "mild downs" turn into temps "crashing through the 40s."
  5. Went for an early morning run and noticed the darkness too. I do like the early mornings.
  6. Just waiting for that 5 week period from Conflicted In Tolland. It's the annual battle of the internal weenie. On one end, there's the warm and dewy side hoping for a Cat III...and then....a little burgeoning cold side that is trying to turn the warm outie into an innie. It's quite fascinating.
  7. I agree for me personally. August can always bring back the Charmin...but July was splendid.
  8. I dunno know...I'm not sold on the dews quite yet.
  9. More blues in the extended...meaning 12hr diff from 12z-00z. I guess we just need to see where that trough sets up. Could be those scenarios of 87/72 stuff...or could be the back and forth we have been having.
  10. EC trended with lower heights again in the extended.
  11. Becauase it's probably voodoo. The euro has a rather unfavorable pattern for development...maybe the GFS caught onto that.
  12. Big day down here too. When storms were storms.
  13. Yep. As long as that ridge stays there, it will be tough to get prolonged heat here.
  14. It seems highly anomalous. Not sure the reason for it. Very chilly in Canada.
  15. There is an absolute black hole near the Davis Straits modeled. That is super impressive. It's basically a massive polar vortex.
  16. Boy you're chucking them today.
  17. Warm start this week, but another cool down to end it. It's been a nice mix of days this summer.
  18. Why would BDL represent you? Enjoy the COC.
  19. I bet the HS is shocked at all the hits Tolland STEM is getting.....and it's used to disprove Kevin's meteorology.
  20. And Dendrite's rain gauge readings.
  21. Glad we don't live there.
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