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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. I'm getting tired of weekend threats. We need one on a weekday...
  2. I feel the exact way you do. I prefer a front loaded winter and then the warm up to spring starting in March. As for the seasons shifting on the calendar, I don't know, but locally, it almost does seem like it.
  3. That would be funny if it weren't entirely possible to actually verify like that. It's not like we haven't traveled that road before.
  4. That's really quite impressive when you think about it. The most snow of any month that winter came only one month removed from summer.
  5. That panel is a rainer for my neck of the woods...lol
  6. That used to be the Schuylkill County gradient a few years back. Quite a few storms have given Allentown 12+ and Tamaqua 1-4...lol
  7. That was a true paste bomb here. I wish I still had the pics from it, but they were taken on a very shitty 1st gen digital camera so they weren't very good. I think we ended up with about 8 inches overall from that one in my backyard. We got about an inch or so of light snow on Christmas Eve, then it flipped to light rain overnight, and at about 9-10am Christmas morning it flipped back to heavy snow. Areas north of me and in a higher elevation never got above freezing and as such had major problems with downed tree limbs, wires, and prolonged power outages due to the heavy ice accretion.
  8. And yet the 0z Euro and Canadian both appear to give NEPA and especially areas southeast of the Blue Mountain the typical Miller B dryslot/screwsone...
  9. That's where I am. I hate 2 inch snows that don't do much more than bring the salt trucks out, and sleet and freezing rain really do nothing for me anyway. Not to mention that shoveling "concrete" sucks. Give me a 6+ inch all snow event, or just give me a torch and rain.
  10. True that. It's not out there in day 10+ la la land. Its definitely close enough to take seriously.
  11. Lock that up and there'll be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from my bus group that postponed their Hollywood Casino trip from this past weekend to this upcoming weekend. On the flip side though, they could be stubborn and defiant and say were going regardless of the weather.
  12. It'll certainly rattle the brains of my group that postponed their bus trip to Hollywood Casino. They were supposed to go this weekend, but decided not to because of the snow potential. They now want to go next weekend...lol
  13. I was born two years later so I don't remember that heatwave, or the Christmas snow, but I do remember my dad doing the snow tire ritual well into the 1970's. Back then, as well as the tire issue, was that nearly every car, except for the Olds Toronado, Cadillac Eldorado, and Buick Riviera were rear-wheel drive. And SUV's weren't a "thing" yet, so you at least needed snow tires to get around.
  14. That Christmas 1966 storm was the storm that I heard the most stories about from my parents and grandparents when I was growing up. My parents were relative newlyweds that Christmas, and had gone over to my dad's parents house on Christmas Eve. They ended up spending the night because the snow was so heavy and the roads were so bad. My mom's father, not ever giving in, and being determined that he was not going to miss a Christmas with his new family, dug his car out, and made the drive across town on nearly unplowed and impassable roads to pick them up to bring him to his house. It took quite awhile, but he succeeded in his mission.
  15. All done here for the most part. Total frozen was 2.1" of which 1.7" was snow and 0.4" was sleet. I shoveled the snow just as it switched over, and now just finished shoveling the sleet. It's consistancy was like scooping sugar.
  16. Still 100% sleet , or perhaps snow grains, (and very light at that) here in Tamaqua.
  17. Well, we've been sleet for about 2 hours now, do I suppose were done with any quick accumulations at this point. Surface temps haven't really budged all afternoon (20 to now 24), but upstairs must have warmed quite a bit. One thing we didn't see is the "sleet bomb" that some others did. It's been mostly light to where it was more like a misty freezing drizzle. Even now, I have to really look at the streetlight to see if it's doing anything.
  18. I know it's nice to reminisce about 1993, but can we please talk more about THIS event? I'm trying to get upstream obs and info so I can follow and anticipate what's coming next. Right now, it has almost stopped "precipitating" here. When I measured we had nice moderate snow, then it turned into almost like a light sleet mist, and now has almost stopped entirely. Not sure what to make of it.
  19. Precip lightened up dramatically, and is now is the tiniest ice pellets I've ever seen.
  20. We have 1.25" of new snow from round one which is still ongoing here, but is now more of a snow grain variety than the big dendrites we had earlier. Currently 22 degrees outside.
  21. The St. John's, Newfoundland "bomb cyclone" aftermath...
  22. Wow...once it started, it pretty much hit like a wall of white! From nothing, to flurries, to light snow, and now moderate!
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