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Everything posted by SACRUS

  1. Looks like we have a shot at 90 in the warmer spots today and then again Wed (8/7) -Thu (8/8) (pending storms/clouds). Beyond there, cooler 8/10 - 8/14. I think we'll see a back and forth beyond there with a porgoression to a warmer regime. We'll see how cool it gets and how strong and long heat can push back into the region 8/15 - later in August.
  2. 8/3 TEB: 91 PHL: 89 LGA: 89 New Bnswk: 88 ACY: 87 TTN: 87 BLM: 85 NYC: 86 EWR: 85 JFK: 84 ISP: 84
  3. Thanks Ron. I adjusted. I doubt we are much different today, anyways :-)
  4. Looking ahead 8/3 - 8/9 : will continue the near normal / bit warmer regime we've been in, teetering on 90 (upper 80s) and with enough sun, some spots push 90. 8/9 - 8/16 : Trough / wet and likely at or below normal. I still think the stronger heat will be delayed not denied following the progression after the EU heat just a bit delayed. we'll track the cooldown and see how cool we get. Already it is looking more next weekend than Thu as models had been initially honing in on. Perhaps it adjusts over time.
  5. Stagant flow today , so a bit sticky but overall we should continue the theme of nice weekends this summer.
  6. 8/2 TEB: 92 LGA: 88 New Bswk: 88 PHL: 87 EWR: 85 BLM: 85 TTN: 84 NYC: 84 ACY: 84 JFK: 82 ISP: 81
  7. 8/1 TEB: 95 (error) PHL: 90 EWR: 89 New Bnswk: 89 JFK: 89 LGA: 88 ISP: 88 BLM: 88 NYC: 87 ACY: 86 TTN: 86
  8. 7/31: TEB: 92 PHL: 92 ACY: 91 LGA: 90 New Bnswk: 90 EWR: 89 (6th of the season) BLM: 89 NYC: 87 JFK: 86 TTN: 86 ISP: 85
  9. 7/31: TEB: 92 PHL: 92 ACY: 91 LGA: 90 New Bnswk: 90 BLM: 89 EWR: 89 NYC: 87 JFK: 86 TTN: 86 ISP: 85
  10. Let see how much we can heat up before widespread storms popup today. Up to 82 here, currently sunny.
  11. 7/30: PHL: 96 TEB: 96 LGA: 95 EWR: 95 ACY: 95 BLM: 94 New Bnswk: 94 TTN: 93 NYC: 92 ISP: 88 JFK: 87
  12. 7/30: PHL: 96 TEB: 96 LGA: 95 EWR: 95 ACY: 95 BLM: 94 New Bnswk: 94 TTN: 93 NYC: 92 ISP: 88 JFK: 87
  13. 1PM Hot town summer in the city LGA: 94 EWR: 94 PHL: 93 ACY: 93 TEB: 92 BLM: 92 NYC: 91 TTN: 90 ISP: 87 JFK: 86
  14. Pushing 89 here before 10AAM Front is into W-PA already so timing is likely 8-10 hours away. http://mp1.met.psu.edu/~fxg1/SAT_NE/anim8vis.html
  15. 7/29 TEB: 96 EWR: 94 LGA: 94 BLM: 94 ACY: 94 New Bnswk: 93 PHL: 93 TTN: 91 NYC: 90 ISP: 89 JFK: 89
  16. 7/29 TEB: 96 EWR: 94 LGA: 94 BLM: 94 ACY: 94 New Bnswk: 93 PHL: 93 TTN: 91 NYC: 90 ISP: 89 JFK: 89
  17. Pending on clouds we do see a spike of 850's tomorrow near 20-21 C for a 6 hour window - so could see the warmer / metro spots get 95+. Clouds the caveat.
  18. 92 here CNJ in/out of clouds with some storms in NJ/PA border / NYS. 2PM Update; LGA: 92 BLM: 92 EWR: 91 TEB: 91 ACY: 91 PHL: 91 TTN: 89 JFK: 88 NYC: 87 ISP: 87
  19. Noon Roundup: ACY: 91 TEB: 90 LGA: 90 EWR: 90 BLM: 89 PHL: 89 ISP: 88 TTN: 87 NYC: 87 JFK: 86
  20. 10AM : ISP: 85 EWR: 85 TEB: 85 BLM: 85 ACY: 85 LGA: 84 JFK: 83 TTN: 83 PHL: 83 NYC: 81
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