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Posts posted by HimoorWx

  1. 38 minutes ago, Baroclinic Zone said:

    After getting caught in a thunderstorm on Crawford Path, attempting to summit Mount Washington, never again will I get caught stuck out in a t-storm.  Pretty petrifying.

    Got caught in a storm heading down the Tuckerman Ravine trail a few years back.  Fortunately we were able to race down below treeline before it hit, but still pretty damn scary.  Can't imagine what it was like further up on the rock pile.

  2. 68 off a high of 91. 0.7”. Sounds Randolph and Holbrook are a mess.
    Weird storm in north Randolph. Under orange and red echoes for a long time. Constant thunder and lightning; some of the loudest and closest strikes in a long time. A lot of wind. Almost no rain. Any damage reports from south of here?

    Sent from my SM-T510 using Tapatalk

  3. Very interesting how localized the rain seems to be! It is an absolute deluge right now near the Target
    Yeah, very strange. Looking at radar, you would think I'd be getting smoked but not the case. Very windy however and temp dropped from 88 to 71.

    Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk

  4. Dumping near 24-139 interchange. Loud thunder
    I am about 2 miles northeast of there. Constant thunder and lightning, some very close, but still very little rain. Gusty winds now.

    Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk

  5. 1 hour ago, tamarack said:

    Our hummingbird feeder has had a lot of activity, including one bird that comes close to sunset, which we found surprisingly late in the day.  Thought the little critters were midday feeders.  3 years ago a partridge killed itself on our picture window, a year after we had replaced the 40+ year old one, which probably would've been broken by the impact.  No damage to the new one, and our first partridge dinner in years.

    I see our hummingbirds mostly in the early morning and the evening.  Of course, that could also be because that is when I am usually in the sunroom near the feeders and flowers.

  6. Thought the overnight thunderstorm would have brought more than 0.04.  At least everything is green for now.  Tons of little white thingies on the patio from the wild cherry trees however, and last evening we were getting pelted by bits of oak apple galls.  Someone was feasting on them up in the trees.

  7. 4 hours ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

    The weird thing is that I think my working hours are a little longer now that I am working from home.  Very strange 

    Same for me.  Before the work day was determined by the commuter rail schedule.  Now it is so much easier to hop on the computer with my morning coffee and work later into the afternoon.  Of course it has taken a bit more time to do a lot of things remotely, and all of those Zoom and Teams meetings . . .  On the other hand, I can't complain because I still have my job!!!

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  8. Just had this problem. I had two rats(at least) living under two different feeders. Never had a problem before. Anyway I just took the feeders away and eventually the rats left. I haven’t seen them or evidence of them in weeks. So start with removing the feeders and see where that gets you.

    Thanks. The feeders were gone within an hour of the first sighting. Judging by the burrows, the rats had been here for a little while. Sad watching all the birds today looking for their food.

    Sent from my SM-T510 using Tapatalk

  9. Sadly, we had to take down our feeders yesterday.  We looked out at the back of yard, and for the first time in our 11 years here there was a rat scurrying around under the feeders.  We went  back ta take a look and saw the burrows along our back fence.  Wondering if they will just leave once the food source is gone, or if we need to take other action.  Thoughts?  Advice?

  10. 22 hours ago, Ginx snewx said:

    Get some of that fix a seal stuff at home depot and spread it all around the Chimney and flashing. That stuff is great. All houses are moneypits

    Our chimney was pulling away from the house a few years ago.  Fortunately it was only connected to a fireplace that we never planned to use, so we had it removed.  We were able to keep the face of the fireplace and the mantle in the living room so we still have the nice look but no worries about the chimney toppling someday.  Is removal an option for you or does it actually serve a purpose?

  11. 4 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

    I saw a RI drone view from last year and it was wow. Thousands of acres of dead oaks. Now I see evidence of ash borers and rotted trees attacked by fungus and ants. A hurricane will be devastating in SNE

    Amazing how many dead branches we've had come down this year and I'm pretty sure it was from the gypsy moths.  Waiting to see what the oaks are going to look like once the leaves come out.

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