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Everything posted by CarverWX

  1. This is what RT44 looked like in Carver at 5am
  2. The model's are looking better and better for tonight. I hope we can pull off a surprise 2-3"
  3. Got down to 30. Frost on everything this morning at 5am.
  4. 4-8 of heavy wet snow should make things hell enough with the wind.
  5. I am currently in Boston on Brookline ave and there is very little snow.
  6. 28/28 with steady snow at home. Hard to tell from the camera but looks like 3/4 to an 1" on the ground.
  7. The 3km HRRR looks like heavy snow all the way to the cape tomorrow morning.
  8. Sitting at 32/22 with ese wind at about 2mph. Hoping to pull off 4 here.
  9. In plymouth right now and snow came in as a wall of white. Grass already covered
  10. Do you remember when is snowed in the middle of the winter for hours and it use to stick to the ground lol
  11. I didn't get an official measurement but judging by what was on the deck we had at least 4". With some sleet and drizzle mixed in the pack was frozen solid Tuesday morning to the point I could walk on it.
  12. Well at least I had a few days of pack. This was yesterday morning.
  13. Just shoveled the driveway for the first time this year. By eye looks like about 3.5-4" on the grass.
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